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 San Francisco has spent an "Insane Amount of Money Cleaning Up Poop" (5)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

San Francisco has spent an "Insane Amount of Money Cleaning Up Poop"

The city of San Francisco is dealing with an overwhelming homeless problem but the problem may be even stinkier than previously reported and it's going to be very expensive to clean up.
Cleaning it up has become an expensive problem. The City of San Francisco's public works budget for "Street Environmental Services" around $60 million more than half has gone to cleaning up the poop and the process is by no means simple. "The steamer has to come. He has to park the steamer. He's got to come out with his steamer, disinfect, steam clean, roll up and go," San Fran's public works director told NBC.

What a Progressive Nirvana Moonbeam has there in San Fran !!!
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3 points

SF has become a third world dump. This is what Rampant Socialism gets you.

Progressives are nearly impossible to potty train LMMFAO

3 points

Sounds like paradise and after all this is the capital of Democrat America.

It's what Democrats do promote filth and then raise your taxes to get rid of it.

The cartels are also destroying public land and streams in Southern California. Where are the snowflakes on the environment?

3 points

The once beautiful city of San Francisco was built with the sweat and ingenuity of American financiers, architects, design engineers and entrepreneurs.

The left wing filth are now well on the way to turning some of America's most impressive architectural properties into a near shanty town of tumbledown dilapidated buildings.

Due to the outstanding architectural features of San Francisco's buildings and structures it has been favoured over the years by movie moguls as a setting for their film productions.

Now, thanks to the loney left scumbags the movie companies would have to call in a fleet of Caterpillar D11 Bulldozers to clear the shit and dross generated daily by the itinerant guests of the low life city officials.

3 points

San Francisco has become the gathering centre for the nation's workshy hobos who have contaminated the city with their sewage and aggressive begging/mugging.

I spent a wonderful week there back in 2006, the 100th university of the earthquake, but I would not even think of going back to that foul smelling shithole now.