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Debate Score:56
Total Votes:73
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Should America become a Christian Theocracy


Side Score: 29


Side Score: 27
SprinkleVII(15) Disputed
1 point

I am not debating the morality of Christianity or any other religion/or philosophy for that matter. What I am stating that when any group, organization, or people have too much power bad things do happen. It happened with Christianity during the dark ages, the Spanish inquisition, in Africa, and the (US) south. Just as it has happened with other groups, such as ISIS, the Brahmans in India; even Buddhists in northern India and Myanmar. This is why our founding fathers split the powers of the U.S. with checks and balances. And, why in the first amendment they added the clause Congress shall pass no law respecting or restricting any religion.

Side: No
-1 points

I hate a democracy or a republic as it is obvious it's flaws a Christian Nation is the only way to protect strong government and morals.

Side: Yes
1 point

I too have utter contempt for Democracy as did the Founding Fathers. It's rule of the mob and one need look no further to see the destructiveness of Democracy than the French Revolution. Only by allowing our laws to reflect the laws of Almighty God and his Son Jesus Christ can our nation truly hope to be its greatest self again.

Side: Yes
4 points

Nope. We aren't entirely Christian, we were never supposed to be. Religion is not needed for law. And our place as the global leader in scientific endeavors would vanish in a few short years.

Besides, which version of Christianity would we pick?

Side: No
3 points

Why ?

Side: No
thereasoner3(89) Disputed
1 point

Lack of morality.....................................................................

Side: Yes
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
2 points

The Dark Ages were a theocracy...

Side: No
3 points

This Is Absolutely wrong. First according to the Constitution, first ammendment, it states not only the SEPERATION OF STATE AND CHURCH, but also that no religion shall be restricted nor respected. this statement says that though a religion can't be basically persecuted it also still has to obide by the same laws as everyone else. Then there is the fact that if any Religion, or group for that matter, becomes too powerful then bad things do happen.

Side: No
Alpha452(4) Disputed
1 point

If you look at the First Amendment there are no words even remotely to the effect of Separation of Church and State. The only place you will find those words are in the constitution of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. If Christians were in charge of the government, only good things would happen. Christians have spent decades being persecuted by the government in the name of "Tolerance" of all manner of evil..Homosexuality, Muslims, Political Correctness, etc. It's time the other side got a taste of their own medicine. I'm tired of Christian bakers and other business owners being told they MUST serve homosexuals or atheists or Muslims for that matter. I think America would once again become the shining beacon on a hill if the Constitution (or at least the left's perversion of it) was replaced by the Bible..ruled by the law of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Side: Yes

No. That would be a very biased government. Only making laws that Christians favor? No way.

Side: No

faith in Jesus should be a free choice. .

Side: No
Alpha452(4) Disputed
1 point

Free Choice is a myth. Mankind by nature is completely corrupt inside and out. It shows this on a daily basis on virtually every television program, news broadcast, and everything else that happens on a daily basis. I have absolutely no faith in any goodness in mankind. America would only improve by running the country by the dictates of the Bible.

Side: Yes

Why should a government be run by a stupid ancient book, that actually if you take a good look at is just a load of nonsense.

Side: No
Alpha452(4) Disputed
1 point

Actually the Bible is not just some stupid ancient book but rather one that has survived despite every attempt to exterminate it and those who follow it. It is just as relevant today as it was in the First Century. Even the Founding Fathers acknowledged the God of the Bible when they wrote the words "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." We would have the best government in the world if we ran the government by the dictates of the Bible. Of course what could I expect from dissenters but rejection of the Bible. They don't want anything to get in the way of their destructive sinful behavior even if it has led America down the path to ruin..divorce, abortion (the murder of the unborn), homosexual "marriage", murder, rape, suicide, a drug epidemic, the list goes on with every evil splashed across the front page on a daily basis.

Side: Yes