
Debate Info

Yes, for little money Pick our own for good wages
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Yes, for little money (1)
 Pick our own for good wages (1)

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Goblin2(102) pic

Excon doesn't want a white person to pick his lettuce. He wants a brown person

Yes, for little money

Side Score: 1

Pick our own for good wages

Side Score: 1
1 point

Excon doesn't want a white person to pick his lettuce. He wants a brown person

Hello G:

Look.. You HATE immigration.. I LOVE immigration.. Can't we just argue on those facts? Why do you have to MAKE UP SHIT?? DUDE!

In the REAL world, I didn't "want" Chinese people to build our railroads.. But, that's what happened.. I didn't "want" black people to pick our cotton... But, that's what happened.. I don't "want" brown people to pick our lettuce. But, that's what's happening..

I WISH I was as powerful as you THINK I am..


Side: Yes, for little money
Goblin2(102) Disputed
1 point

Look.. You HATE immigration.. I LOVE immigration.. Can't we just argue on those facts? Why do you have to MAKE UP SHIT?? DUDE!

I like immigration. I want diseases, terrorists, gang members, and child traffickers checked at the door. You don't. I get it. You don't mind a bombing or a sex trafficking ring or two. I do.

I WISH I was as powerful as you THINK I am..

I don't.

Side: Pick our own for good wages
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