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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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Should 'American Idol' call it quits?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 2
1 point

I use to watch it but now it seems pointless to me. They lost their good judges and are now with that thing called Nicki Maiaj

Side: Yes
1 point

So that is her name. I always called Nicki "it". Because that is what she is. It. Always needing to be the center of attention. Down with american idol

Side: Yes
1 point


I spoke to al-Qaeda and they agreed to call off the jihad if you meet their simply demands:

- Cancel "American Idol" and NO reruns!

- Cancel "Survivor"

- Kill "Barney". Dinosaurs should remain extinct!

And, if you don't meet their demands, you will be forced to watch "Dog The Bounty Hunter" and from now until the end of time! Mwhahahaha!

Side: Yes
1 point

The show's gotten to be quite tired over the past few years, especially when they put Ellen DeGeneres as a judge.

I also agree that Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey need to go, just adds unnecessary drama to the show.

Side: Yes

The show has worn out its welcome and the ratings continue to drop each year.

Side: Yes

Personally, I don't watch the show, but it is still popular, so there is no reason to quit.

Side: No

Just because one thing happened they shouldn't but it should get better.

Side: No