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 Should Canadian mounties launch an assault on the U.S.? (4)

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dragonmaster(66) pic

Should Canadian mounties launch an assault on the U.S.?

In the United States, people are always making fun of Canadians for no apparent reasons. Canada could easily launch a sneak attack and take the top half of the U.S. off guard. should they if they have a good chance of victory?

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1 point

This actually might work. Mounties always get their man. If they are attacking the US they would have to go after the president. If they could take him away, maybe that would work out for us. ;)

1 point

Ok well all I can say is good luck with that , I would not hold out much hope of achieving it though

I'm going to go with no. It seems like the only possible reason they would want to do this is pride?

There are enough nations starting international conflicts over stupid reasons.

1 point

Yeah, would be fun to watch.