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Yes, Arrest Him Now! No, Not Yet
Debate Score:94
Total Votes:101
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 Yes, Arrest Him Now! (25)
 No, Not Yet (24)

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Should George Zimmerman be arrested now?

Trayvon Martin’s death to be subject of federal investigation by Justice Department and FBI...Why is it so hard to bring a man to justice when the facts seem so clear?

Yes, Arrest Him Now!

Side Score: 45

No, Not Yet

Side Score: 49
4 points

If their races were switched, he would be on trial for 1st degree murder for murdering an innocent child.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
Troy8(2417) Disputed
4 points

Oh please. Everyone is rushing to declare Zimmermann guilty because of the fact that Martin is black so they want to classify it as a hate crime. Zimmermann is actually Mexican, I don't think there enough details yet to make a fair jugdement.

Side: No, Not Yet
3 points

Yeah, sometimes it is shocking when you see this kind thing still happens.

You put it the simplest and most accurate way possible.

Can you imagine if a black middle age man with a criminal record followed around a 17 year old white kid, athlete, no criminal record, good student by all accounts, holding nothing but a bag of skittles, and shot him?

Holy shit.

There would be no "building the case."

He'd 100% be arrested on the spot for murder and held until he made bail, gun taken away, no leaving the state till the trial, etc.

I mean, I get trying to downplay the race thing to avoid spreading tension. But to pretend this isn't about that is pretty naive. It's better to face what's really happening, it's systemic racism.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
2 points

You are so right. I am disgusted by this racism .

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!

Yes, their races have the same rights, but a biased judicial system, though it is not in any law to be biased to one race. Zimmerman: I was doing it for self defense.

citizen: He was 10 meters away.

Zimmerman: He was going to knock me out with a can of Iced Tea and then suffocate me by shoving a bag of skittles.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
ThePyg(6706) Clarified
1 point

typical liberal bullshit thing to say

Why can't we just agree that violent crime is bad and that anyone engaged in it is wrong-doing.

Stop making it about race. People like you make me hope that this Zimmerman guy is found innocent.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
Apollo(1590) Disputed
3 points

I'm not making it about race, the facts are.

Like the fact that Trayvon (completely unarmed) was being followed by Zimmerman as he was trying to get away while talking to his girlfriend (And this murderer claims self defense? HA!).

Or the fact that Zimmerman refers to blacks as suspicious and calls Martin a "coon."

Or that he says "[coons] always get away."

Or the fact that despite evidence contradicting Zimmerman's claims and pointing towards murder, Zimmerman was not charged with any crime.

Side: No, Not Yet
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

And people who ignore when something is so obviously about race, enable racially-driven injustices like this to continue.

If it were a black man who shot a white kid, he'd have gone directly till jail immediately, not assumed innocent and not ignored until media forced the issue.

Side: No, Not Yet

Of course, this is a clear case of murder rather than self defense, the young man, Trayvon Martin, posed no threat to George Zimmerman considering he was carrying no weapon of any kind, and the D.A. should be building a case for murder.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
2 points

Without a doubt. As far as everyone knows (and thus far the evidence does not argue against the fact that) that poor boy did not intimidate, antagonize or confront Mr. Zimmerman. He was just on his way home. If this grown man really felt intimidated by this young man, then he should have left the issue to the police rather than destroy an entire family's life.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!

Just because you see people wear Hoodies it doesn't mean that person is bad.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
2 points

I'm not the most educated on the logistics of this case but I'm aware of the important facts about it. From the information I've heard he should most definitely be arrested. Nothing can possibly justify his actions. He saw an African American male who he didn't recognize as a member of the community , judged him , and because of his suspicion shot and killed an innocent human being ! It was out of line , period ! He needs to be arrested , put in jail , and suffer !

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
Kickemout(14) Disputed
2 points

And what facts would those be? The retracted statements and edited film and audio on the mainstream media? Or the fact that trayvon double backed, attacked GZ who was walking back to his suv, had a verbal confrontation where TM hit him with a can of iced t, was bashing his head into the concrete and subsequently got checked and is dead, unfortunately. Maybe the eye witnesses and GZ are lying but tose are the "facts" of the case. Let's just let the police do their job. You said he judged TM and killed him but isn't that exactly what your doing to GZ? You admitted you don't know everything but you clearly don't know anything about the case and are still willing to judge GZ. Imagine he was beating the crap out of you how you would judge him.

Side: No, Not Yet
2 points

I beleive anything is possible. I believe that maybe the cries of help was from Zimmerman and that he stopped crying for help after the gun shot because he knew it wasn't neccessary to call for help.

I believe in that but, i have to go with what's logical to me.

Somebody stop crying for help after the gunshot: My logic tells me that is Martin.

Martin has LESS MASS compared to Zimmerman: My logic tells me that how can it be difficult for a grown man not to handle a small child? Not that difficult.

Martin told the police that Zimmerman attacked him first AFTER A MONTH!!!: Isn't that something you will tell the police right away? Maybe he was protecting Martin and being "mature" but i doubt it. I guess he didn't want to tell Martin's parents how violent Martin was because it could break his heart. Again, i doubt it.


Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
2 points

Yes. This thing is going on way too long. He most likely did it and we all know that. So arrest him now!

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
2 points


Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
1 point

Yes, because Zimmerman shouldn't have shot the boy even though he thinks that the boy was suspicious just because he was wearing a hoodie on. As a neighborhood watch, he has no right to do that. He should be arrested for manslaughter or second degree murder. For example, neighborhood watchs, have no right to shoot a person even though the person is suspicious. And the police cleary told him not to follow Trayvon but he consantly did. This is highly unacceptable for killing a innocent teen.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
1 point

One night about a month ago, a middle aged man killed a young boy walking through his gated neighborhood. Why is this such a hot topic? The boy who was murdered was black, had on a hoodie, and had his pants in his waste band. The victim was Treyvon Martin and the assailant was George Zimmerman who was on neighborhood watch patrol. This vigilante claims he only killed Martin in self defense, but how does this explain the frantic, pleading, agonizing screams begging for help in the back round of a 911 call. Some people might argue that the screams could have been Zimmerman's, but why then did the crying stop after a the gunshot that ended a 17 year old's life sounded. George Zimmerman should be arrested just like any other suspected criminal. Why should he be any different treated any differently? I just know that if a black man had killed a white boy he would be behind bars until he paid his bail or went on trial, not roaming the streets "protecting his neighborhood from "dangerous" 17 year olds.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
1 point

yes they should because he is a bad man to kill young soul he waz a brave soul

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
1 point

Zimmerman should most deffinately be arrested because he had no right to shoot him. Trayvon may have looked suspicious but he didn't approach Zimmerman in any harmful way. He even called the police on him and they could've handled it WAYY better then he could. The police told him not to do anything but he did anyways . He shot an innocent kid with skittles and some tea...who tf does that? I mean do you not have anything better to do than shoot some black kids that look suspicious? If it was a black man that shot a white kid in a hoodie with some skittles and tea, they would be locked up at this very moment. I'm just sayin...

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
1 point

He needs to be arrested. If you cant tell that zimmerman is guilty by the evidence already revealed about this case, than you are absolutely retarded or racist...It really isn't about who Trayvon was or the color of his skin...its the fact that a man committed a crime and is not being penalized for it! that's basically saying that its ok to play like the police and take matters into your own hands...which is not okay...if it was? we would not need the police! and lets be real here...if Trayvon was the shooter and zimmerman was the victim? we would not be having this debate because Trayvon would be in prison!

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
Kickemout(14) Disputed
2 points

Huh? So, you're saying your not allowed to defend yourself? Unfortunately for your argument the LAW says you can. So I'm a racist because I think you should be able to defend yourself from someone slamming your head into the concrete? That can kill you. Or people wouldn't wear helmets while riding a bike.

Side: No, Not Yet
1 point

Hell yes! Murder is murder !

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!

The longer they wait the harder it will be to find an imparial jury due to all the media attention this case is building. look at what happened to casey anthony's case.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!

You dummies of course he should be arrested I mean really who shoots a little kid because he looks suspicious or was it because he was black 64 calls were made to the cops within the 30 days of the death most of them were to report a black folk really I say he should be arrested one for racism two for killing somebody because of their race three for killing somebody who did nothing wrong and four for murder

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
Kickemout(14) Disputed
2 points

Of course! Don't let the facts get in your way. No threat? Beating someone in the face and bashing their head into the sidewalk is no threat to you? Ok, see how long you last letting someone bash your head into the concrete. Little kid? 6foot plus is little? Heres your racism buddy.

It's said that only a true fool will continue on his path after being presented with the blindling facts because the fool is already blinded by lies.

Side: No, Not Yet

No, Not Yet. The cops need to build up and air tight case first. Also..., revenge is a dish best served cold. He'll get his when he least expects it ;)

Side: No, Not Yet
2 points

After enough evidence has been brought up and a fair trial has been in order, the culprit can be thrown behind bars.

Obviously, this takes into account that the jurdical system is a just one. Otherwise, things would get really messy.

Side: No, Not Yet
BenWalters(1508) Disputed
3 points

You think that people should be left free until their case has been finished? I don't believe that a single judicial system in the world works like that currently.

Remember that there is a difference between arrested and imprisoned. People aren't calling for him to be denied a fair trial, simply for that trial to happen.

Side: Yes, Arrest Him Now!
Kickemout(14) Disputed
1 point

You clearly know little about our judicial system. You don't arrest someone and then try to build a case. You have to have a case first. Hence why no prosecuting attorney is willing to take this one case.

Side: No, Not Yet
2 points

For the same reason that I wanted Casey Anthony to be found innocent. It would piss so many people off 8)

Side: No, Not Yet
2 points

Maybe... but if you don't like the law.... then change it!

Side: No, Not Yet
2 points

give it time, they need to figure out if it was self defence first

Side: No, Not Yet
2 points

Why should he be?

It is simple self defense.

The only reason he should get arrested for is: not having a concealed weapon permit.

Side: No, Not Yet
1 point

I dont think theirs enough evidence to convict him. Plus we don't know the whole story just what the media has told us.

Side: No, Not Yet
1 point

Even if there was the slightest case a prosecuter would pick this one up and there would be a trial. Maybe this is just a division tool used by the racists in office to gin up racial annimosity to get the african american and white-guilt vote in the swing state of Florida. Note how they are calling it the kill at will law? Ooooo, be scared! It was a dem that passed that law too. No, George Zimmerman should NOT be arrested because there is no probable cause. Evidence points to a self-defense case that ended in the death of a 17year old.

Side: No, Not Yet
1 point

Get the Fu[|< over it, if a black man killed a white man for no reason it would not get this popular but a white man killed a black man for no reason(persay) and it's getting all this bull sh!t this man (I forgot his name) put an address out for what he thought what would be gorge's and it was and elderly couple and they got harassed and sent hate mail. This needs to stop NOW

Side: No, Not Yet
1 point

OK, lets see here, Zimmerman failed to follow orders and pursued Trayvon anyways because he felt he looked suspicious. There are marks on Zimmerman, released by the hospital he went through, which have been claimed to be done by Trayvon in retaliation. Through that retaliation Zimmerman shot Trayvon. WHaaaa? That's right. The womb from the gunshot on Trayvon was a close distance shot. There was a person at the scene who had claimed he had seen a struggle.

Even though none of that will matter to anyone because people want to believe Trayvon was this little angel of a boy, the fact that Zimmerman had made bail he should not be put back into jail.


THE POLICE ARE AFRAID HE WILL TRY TO FLEE THE COUNTRY. Understandable to a point. However, he better not be put in prison!

Side: No, Not Yet