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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:14
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spotty246(9) pic

Should Guns Be Banned?

Recently in US congress, banning firearms has been brought up. Im interested to see if you think this is right, or wrong. 


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 9

There is too much gun violence in America. Guns should be banned.

Side: Yes

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a startling revelation for 2015. It is projected that deaths from guns will surpass deaths from car fatalities in 2015. An estimated 33,000 Americans will lose their lives from guns as opposed to an estimated 32,000 Americans who will die in car accidents.

The gun violence in America is an American Shame!

Side: Yes
3 points

Nope. Recently, in our country guns are banned. What happened? More crime and more people are getting angry because of it. Besides, guns are not only used for crimes and the like, but also for self defense. I think it is somehow useful. Gun ban is not really a solution to the problem of a country, but I think it is the wrong implementation of some laws, thats why people do crimes over and over again.

Side: No

No, banning all guns would be overkill. I do however think that we should consider places restrictions on the sale of assault rifles.

Side: No

Let's first view it from a passive view. Almost everybody is in favor of resolving issues with, well, non-violence. This requires application of wisdom and intelligence. However, the man on the receiving end HAS to be intelligent enough to accept and understand your views. Saying this, it is already clear that not everybody can understand such views. Some fools try to do things forcibly. THAT is where violence originated, to try to make fools understand the point. Here, some may say that violence is prone to be misused. Well, the so-called wisdom has been misused more badly, quite often swaying people to the wrong side with their so-called sensible talk. To make this statement more clear, wisdom is not a fixed code, but what is right at a given time. The bad people try to lull people to their side by making them see what is wrong, right.

Thus, all said and done, guns are a means of enforcing law and order and, well, to put it in the language of this argument, put some sense into the heads of the fools. Since fools cannot understand the language of wisdom, they have to understand the language of guns.

Side: No
1 point

no way whats protects our borders,guns what protect the government,guns what protect the president, guns

Side: No
0 points

no this is america one of the things that makes us the great nation we are is the US Constitution and all of the rights it and its amendments grant its citizens and if guns were banned there would be another civil war

Side: No
spotty246(9) Clarified
1 point

They can't take away guns in itself, but if they stop the production of gun ammo, then the guns would be useless once stock ran out.

Side: Yes
0 points

Hello from England.

No. Don't use Piers Morgan as UK's spokesperson. We all think he's a c*nt. Looking at the facts and USA's Constitution the banning of guns would mean more law abiding citizen's deaths, higher violent crime rates and no protection from the government.

Side: No