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RSS Undoubt

Reward Points:8
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Here's a 3hr20min video about the history of most Western Banks and their systems, specifically America. This will tell you nearly everything you need to know about the current banking system. It is extremely detailed, which is why it's so long.

It has nothing to do with republicans or democrats. They're just two sides of the same coin. Both are puppets. Good cop and bad cop.

Supporting Evidence: (
1 point

Furthermore, there is no diagnostic criteria which still considers homosexuality to be a disorder.

That's depending on the government. In a weeks time it could be considered a defect and everybody would be diagnosed as one. Similar to ADHD... it used to be called childhood.

Your personal prejudices aside, homosexuality is a completely natural and normal phenomenon.

Same could be said of paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, incest and any number of things.

Furthermore, the research regarding orientation that you reference is not credible

Actually it is. Especially with lesbians. Child abuse, Rape etc has been the sole reason many of them have converted. I've watched documentaries where they've specifically said so.

I am very skeptical of genetics correlating to behaviour of any sorts, homosexuality, anger, intelligence etc. There are infinite flaws to it.

Additionally, hormones during pregnancy altering human sexuality (if true) would not warrant your claim that homosexuality is a disorder but rather substantiate the view that it is completely natural and normal.

So autism, handicapped, mentally disordered etc. are completely normal and natural. Maybe. Doesn't make it right. It should be routed out and stopped.

If you're born with autism, handicapped, mentally disabled there's no problem considering it a defect, but apparently homosexuality isn't? It's just another weakness/problem/disorder. Not one that would cause great harm to society. Homosexuality has always existed in human society and it always will. It is a sign of weakness, but I don't have a problem with the individual being gay if he/she is normal. I hate the gay lifestyle where men are letting their asses hand out of their tight shorts, holding hands in public (kids will be watching) and everything else they do. Keep it behind closed doors and nobody will say anything. When you start asking for marriage, adoption etc then you're asking for trouble. Problem is people are being brainwashed into thinking it's ok. This is a shit rant btw. Not typed out well because I don't want to spend any more time on this subject.

2 points

She is an asswipe but what do you expect from an under educated over opinionated bitch?

1 point

Lol fascist alert.


0 points

WTF are you talking about?? I don't understand.

O wait... you can't reply because you're banned. Sorry.. nothing I can do about that.

0 points

An again a downvote without any dispute. How gay.


-3 points
1 point


Thanks for the sources. I tried to look for some but after 5 minutes I couldn't find any directly related to carrying a gun = higher chance of getting shot and killed.

But there are some obvious factors which should be taken into account (that haven't been taken into account by the studies)

People who carry guns may already be in a neighbourhood where there is a high gun related homicide.

People who are carrying the guns might be involved in a feud which would obviously leave somebody dead

Oh I forgot to add that there was no need to dispute the whole post. I never disagreed with your first two lines. You're still avoiding my points though.

I mean even from a simple glance I can see that those studies are flawed. They don't paint a true picture.

1 point

Humans have been raised for thousands of years with not near as much resentment towards spanking and today's kids are the unruliest there are...

There's a trend...

(I do admit it's not purely spanking that's the cause but it's a small part of the bigger picture)

0 points

Sense the NRA and and there gun happy nut jobs


I'm pretty sure bullets count as arms. Not really an expert on what counts as arms or not, but that will always be the case. The whole point of being armed and being abled to defend yourself and others is to have ammunition to your weapon... and banning bullets would mean you wouldn't be able to defend yourself as a militia... so a bit silly.

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