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Debate Score:35
Total Votes:43
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Should We Just Get Rid of the Debt Ceiling All Together?

Members of Congress and the White House have been going round and round for weeks in their talks about the debt ceiling. But what if they're missing the simplest solution of all?


Side Score: 24


Side Score: 11
2 points

The only purpose it serves is extortion.

Side: yes
3 points

Don't forget it's use as a political weapon. What's the point of having a ceiling that you just keep raising?

Side: yes
2 points

There is no such thing as a 'debt ceiling' it's aaaaalllllllll polictical kabuki This has to do with election 2012. No matter what happens the debt will go up.

Services will go down.

Wars will go on.

and 90% of the do nothing incumbents will get relected.


Side: Yes

This is correct. The debt ceiling is just a political pull and push. Since when does government follow its own laws, so not having a debt ceiling won't matter, it will continue to spend money that it doesn't have.

Side: yes
2 points

Thank you people, for the education ;)...............................

Side: yes

17.7 trillion at this time. Lets just give up.

Side: Yes
TheBayTore(53) Disputed
1 point

To give up would result in the nation being owned and declared as a shared territory of all nations that it owes debt too. Thus, the nation which is in debt would no longer exist.

Side: No
1 point

That's not how it works here in 'Merica! But really, we're screwed either way. Republicans want to lower taxes and democrats want more programs. We're to screwed at this point to do anything.

Side: Yes
-1 points

If you're advocating a completely different economic system, from the ground up, then yes; way to go!

If you're just suggesting removing the 'debt ceiling', what is it exactly you envisage your children doing for a living, and on what terms?

Side: No

I'm taking a pummeling here people. Could someone educate me as to the pros of leaving your government unrestricted when it comes to spending your money/ your kids money, before you've even earned it?

Side: No
gcomeau(536) Disputed
3 points

Nobody is leaving the government unrestricted. We have a restriction already. Everyone in the Congress and Senate votes on it every year.

It's called the Budget.

Every year they vote for a budget that they know damn well is going to increase the debt, then every time they get near the debt ceiling as a result of that vote they just took they throw a big public hysterical freakout about it to try to convince their constituents they're really really worried about fiscal responsibility and please just ignore that they're the ones who just voted for the Budget that put us here in the first place.

And then they raise the ceiling once they've milked their little freakout for everything it's worth... because they have no choice whatsoever. It's that or crash the national economy.

Side: yes
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

You are the exact reason we're in this situation. You have just enough knowledge to spew loudly completely false shit, as do apparently a bunch of idiots on this subject all the sudden.

Debt ceiling isn't what we spend on what or how much, it is your monthly bills. You get your bills say on the first, and you say on the 15th either "I am going to pay these" or "I'm not going to pay these."

In simplton terms you're saying, "I'm not going to pay these."

You want to decrease the deficit? Get more people working. More people working = more income. That gets us out of debt. The only time we've ever been out of debt is the 90's, and not because we stopped spending, because people were working.

In fact, spending more is what creates jobs. We need to go further in debt now to make jobs, not stop paying our bills completely. That's financial suicide.

Side: yes

LOL! =)

So no one wants to talk about your ensuing slavery then?

Side: No
-1 points

There needs to be a debt ceiling and a balanced budget amendment added to the constitution. Just as many states within this union have balanced budget amendments, the federal government needs to be held to that same standard.

Just as the framers of the constitution put limits on the federal government we need to use the amendment process and place another limit to limit their spending. Obama has been printing more and more money to cover debts. What is that money backed by? Nothing! It's driving the value of the dollar down, destabilizing our economy and driving investors to invest in other currencies.

I am going to add to this and say that not only do we need debt ceiling and a balanced budget amendment, we also need to get back on the gold standard.

Side: No