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Should abortion be banned


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 14

Usually abortion is avoided. In some circumstances many would consider it. Example: Woman gets raped, or she might die giving birth. It really just depends on whether you value the life and/or choice of the mother over the life of the baby. I guess i wouldn't ban it completely, but I am against abortion

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes because I want the police to arrest people for abortion. It's not clever and I don't believe it

Side: Yes
0 points

Not only is abortion wrong under religious reasoning, but under simple morals, which are found innate in all humans, it is murder. Many do not see abortion as murder as they do not see the fetus as a separate being due to reliance on the mother, etc., but biologically it is a new organism. Prior to the formation of the zygote, both cells can be viewed as a cell belonging to one of the parents, genetically, but after the fusing of their genes this zygote must be viewed as its own human,having human DNA, but not the exact match of either parent. This new classification labels the killing of it murder.

Side: Yes
2 points

First off, morals are not innate in all humans. People have different moral codes, which should be evidence enough of that. Second, if one does not think that a zygote is a living human being, then one will generally not find it a practice that involves killing, and therefore will not be murder.

Side: No
Name(18) Disputed
1 point

Morals are innate as no matter what culture one finds oneself in, wanton killing of humans is found to be wrong. On the point of a zygote being alive, they fit all of the biological requirements previously found to define life. (e.g. DNA or RNA, replication, use of energy, etc.)

Side: Yes
2 points

The largest problem with this issue is that it's so emotionally loaded, and morals and values seem to always come into play. In the case of morality, it is technically murder, so whether it's right or not depends on whether you think the ends justifies the means or whether the action is wrong regardless of its consequences. It's a matter of perspective, morally speaking.

Shall we look at it a bit more pragmatically and cynically?

Cynically speaking:

We already play with the lives of other living creatures for our own enjoyment (such as zoos, pets, show animals, and unfortunately fighting animals), and us humans are just another hunk of meat like any other animal. So emotional attachment to our own species aside, what's really another murder of a piece of meat?

At the end of the day, a baby is just another living thing. Killing it would be the same as killing an ant, if all living things are truly equal.

Pragmatically speaking:

There are many factors to look into. If there is a risk of a mother dying from giving birth, aborting the child means she gets to live, whereas risking the birth anyway means that the child might die during the process, too, in which case you're risking two lives.

If the parent simply cannot afford to take care of the child, yes, there is the option of putting the baby up for adoption. But many adopted children grow to have difficult lives, including having bad adopted families, feeling anxiety at not knowing their real parents, or feeling like they don't belong. So do you really want to put your kid up for adoption and possibly put them through years of suffering and pain for the sake of following your morals?

Even in the case of a parent being able to take care of their child, consider the fact that they have their own life as well. The US Constitution gives a right to life, but it also gives the right to the pursuit of happiness, which you might deprive a woman of if you tell her to keep the baby and put her own life on hold. If you're going to ruin one life only, which do you choose: the one that hasn't lived to do anything yet but also has done nothing to deserve death, or the one that still has so much to accomplish and do with their own life?

In the case of rape, the child might be a reminder to the parent of what happened to them, which could cause lifelong stress and guilt to the parent.

Yes, one could give birth to the child and then put them up for adoption instead of ending the pregnancy early. But have you ever experienced the pain of a pregnancy? And, more importantly, the pain of giving birth? If you're willing to go through the pain, go ahead. But everyone still has the right to follow their survival instinct of avoiding pain and sickness.

In other words, there are tons of factors to consider. Personally, I look at the fact that we tell someone to "keep up the good work", not "what you're doing is good, but I'm giving you this to do instead that you'll have to work on for 18 years".

Side: No
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

it is technically murder

This premise needs to be challenged. Most of the moral arguments rest not on whether murder can be justified, but on whether or not it actually is murder. The argument doesn't proceed from this premise, but begins well before it.

Side: Yes
Estmond16(4) Disputed
1 point

From the moment a zygote is formed, is it not a new multicellular being in development? Wouldn't that therefore mean that an abortion is the murder of an individual human being's life?

Most of the arguments I hear about whether or not it's murder usually involve trying to establish when it is considered a human. I'd argue that human genes and cells are all that's necessary; organs and skeletal structure aren't even done developing until after birth, so what's the use of counting them?

Side: No

If you are living inside and off someone else's body than you are a parasite and it is the host's (the mother's) choice as to whether you can stay in her body or not. If she wishes to remove the parasite she can.

Side: No

I love this. Humans have no qualms about killing a tapeworm or a roundworm or a tick. And as long as the fetus is inside the body of another, taking nutrition from the mother/host, it is a parasite.

Side: No
1 point

No. There are many instances when an abortion is much preferable to letting the pregnancy run it's natural course. These circumstances include, where the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest and the expectant mother is determined that she doesn't want the child. Where the mother is psychologically or physically incapable of properly rearing the child and tending to it's needs. Abortion shouldn't be a simple choice of whether or not one or other of the parents want the child to be born. However, it must be recognised that there are some special circumstances where it would be the better option.

Side: No
Name(18) Disputed
0 points

Abortion is never the better option. Whether the child was made willingly or via force it is still the murder of said child. If the mother winds up no longer wanting the child, she can give it up for adoption or foster parenting.

Side: Yes
1 point

Absolutely not. There are many circumstances when it is not only the best option for the mother, but also for the child. A teen pregnancy, for example, may not be equip to care for a living, breathing child. No money or experience to cater for him/her, putting the child into an unsuitable home, and very well could lead to disaster.

Side: No
1 point

Do i think its wrong? yes. do i think it should be banned? no. i say this because 1. if a girl does not want to have a baby, she wont have the baby and its better to give her a safe way to do this rather than risk hurting herself. and 2. banning it would go against the freedoms our country is based on. even if its not socially accepted a woman should be allowed to do whatever she pleases with her body as long as it does not harm others. another argument is that even an unborn fetus deserves rights... well i believe it deserves rights when it develops a consciousness which i don't know when that is and i really honestly do not feel like looking it up but i'm sure someone else will. But in the eyes of the law an unborn fetus is not a person. So abortion is a freedom that any girl should have. right or wrong. so in conclusion, even thought it is wrong to me and many others, due to general safety and freedoms abortion should not be banned

Side: No

If someone is a strict constructionist who interprets the Constitution word for word, the sanction for abortion is given under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment of our U.S. Constitution defines a citizen “a citizen” at birth. If a woman is carrying a fetus in the womb, the U.S. Constitution does not designate the fetus as “a citizen.” It would take an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to declare a fetus a citizen. You have to be born in order to be recognized as a citizen. Therefore, a woman does have the right to choose. A fetus inside the womb is not designated as a citizen according to the U.S. Constitution so by default is not entitled to life, liberty, or prosperity. You have to be born in order to be endowed with those privileges. To conclude, neither the Federal government nor any of the States can deny a woman the right to choose.

If abortion is murder, abortion would have been terminated years ago due to the cruel and unusual punishment clause under the Eighth Amendment. Again, proof that a fetus is not recognized as a citizen of the United States of America.

Side: No