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 Should euthanasia be legal ? (5)

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Dermot(5736) pic

Should euthanasia be legal ?

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Absolutely. It should be every person's right to not suffer thru horrible diseases and pain when they know its terminal....

2 points

Yes, for terminally ill patients. And for an example of a place it has worked as conceived and without the hysterical pitfalls harped on by opponents take a look at Oregon. Successful, and for a long time now already.

1 point

If someone is suffering serious pain and WANTS it, what else is going to stop the pain?? Why should s/he suffer? If we truly had a "loving GOD" S/HE/IT would not allow pain to happen to anyone that didn't deserve it, but, that's just a humane way of looking at it. There is not a prevalence of "humane" in either Allah's or GOD's "love" as far as I've seen, so, why not show some humanity to those who need it.? We are more worried about the suffering of our pets. NO ONE wants to see them suffer .... unless you are one of those who would be greatly improved by death. Why should we be committed to let a "creation" suffer when we have been given the ability to end the suffering at their request??

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Section 1553 of the Affordable Care Act

OCR investigates complaints of discrimination based on Section 1553 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits discrimination against individuals or institutional health care entities that do not provide assisted suicide services.

Section 1553 of the Affordable Care Act states that the Federal Government, and any state or local government or health care provider that receives federal financial assistance under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) or any health plan created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act), may not discriminate against an individual or institutional health care entity because the entity does not provide any health care item or service that causes, or assists in causing, the death of any individual, such as by assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing.

Is this why you Progressives don't want to see the ACA go Al ?

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Each progressive has his (her) own reasons for wanting or not wanting anything. We don't normally follow a "guideline" laid out by a party. The many Christians, Catholic or Jewish progressives may follow THEIR guides, but probably not the most restrictive of their religions guide. WE respect any individuals thoughts on things like the ACA so I can't answer for them. As for me, the answer is NO, that has nothing to do with why I don't want to see the ACA go. The reason " I " don't want to see it go is that what we had before was THEE most expensive health care system in the world and the cost of it was about to skyrocket, which is why Obama tried to make it better. THAT, and the fact that the insurance company "death panels" could shut you off, send you (and your family), into bankruptcy (which didn't help a troubled economy), though it was THEE most expensive it was only ranked 37th best in the world by the WHO AND the CIA. It was even worse for women and the poor. Is that why you conservatives want to see it go?? To get back to the "good ol' days" ?? Is that why you conservatives refused to work with the duly elected President to improve it?? Or was it because it was designed by conservatives, FOR conservatives, and you didn't want the President "taking credit for it"?? YOU named it "Obama Care". Now, you want to take it, make changes Obama would likely have agreed to ... to improve it for the American people ... and all you conservatives had decided to "make him (it) fail"! Now, we'll call it "Trump Care" and that will make you all feel better. So be it.

I STILL think it would be better not to suffer, or to have the CHOICE, within reason. That can't be until the laws are changed. Again, so be it. We progressives follow the majority rule thingy, unlike conservatives who have meetings AGAINST what the majority ruled, outlaw.

1 point


It’s appalling to contemplate, but when shelters give in to pressure to go “no-kill” before they have overcome the breeding and selling of animals in their communities and before establishing sufficient spaying and neutering services, the results are often far worse for animals than a peaceful death through euthanasia.

At least you Progressives are consistent !