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 Should the Biblical model of origins be taught in schools alongside the evolution theory? (8)

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AlmightyCow(6) pic

Should the Biblical model of origins be taught in schools alongside the evolution theory?

Biblical model of origins: God created the heavens and the earth in six days.

Evolution theory: The Big Bang created the universe and the first primordial lifeform, which evolved into all that we have today.

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3 points

Evolution theory: The Big Bang created the universe and the first primordial lifeform, which evolved into all that we have today.

No, this is what the evolution theory actually says: life begins because [insert origin here, evolution doesn't have anything to do with the origin of life], then it evolves into what we have today.

This is what the big Bang theory says: The Big Bang created the universe

the first primordial lifeform That would be abiogenesis.

These three theories are completely independent of each other.

3 points

To answer the question: No. Evolution is taught in a science class, and the Biblical model is not scientific, so to teach them "alongside" each other would be inappropriate.

That said, discussion of Biblical models in other classes, such as comparative religions or current issues, would be acceptable.

Meanwhile, your synopsis of evolution is inaccurate.

Evolution has nothing to do with big bang theory, and abiogenesis is a different, although related topic. Evolution concerns change within existing lifeforms. Nothing more, nothing less.

Recipe for universe:

1. emptiness

2. add some nothing

3. add some more nothing

4. add some time

5. add some more time


2 points

Yeah, so why would you want to teach that alongside evolution?

Mathlete(153) Disputed
1 point

If the overall sum of energy is zero, then yes ...

1 point

Who is the idiot who thinks that Biology and astrophysics are same?

Only if creation stories of other religions are also taught.

I think both theories should be taught in schools and discussed openly.