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AllenWest(37) pic

Should the government do less and just get out of our way?

I am sick and tired of hearing that it is our moral duty to serve the state, because I believe that it is our moral duty to serve our fellow man regardless of race, sex, affiliation or creed, and when we serve, we believe that it is the state's duty to get out of the way.


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2 points

I wonder how often Putin says that about the U.S.? "Donald, just get out of our way, do nothing and we'll take GOOD care of you!"

When you've got a BIG country, you need enough government to run it. Trump has never even had a "Board of Directors" in HIS companies, and he's gone bankrupt at least 4 times …. "small government"! Probably would have even MORE times if he hadn't cheated and ripped off so many contractors and banks! The U.S. NEEDS a "Board of Directors" large enough to keep track of all its dealings and holdings, so we don't get "Trumped"! :-)

The smaller the government, the easier it is to control (OR bribe). THAT'S why conservative capitalists want one! Next step, oligarchy! (Like Russia)! All they would need then is a "strong leader". Choose!

Side: No
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

I’ve never cared for the idea, pushed by the right, that Trumps business experience gives him qualifications for government. A government is not a business, nor should it attempt to act as one. A CEO and board of directors determine what people within a business are going to do. They decide how employees will spend their time. If the US had one, it would be your duty to tell them to duck right off.

We don’t need a board of directors. In fact, if Congress would do their job, the President should have less power than he does (wouldn’t you find that better under the current admin?). Furthermore, Congreyready has their board of directors in the form of ABC agencies who have the power to make enforceable laws that representatives never even vote on (that’s called the administrative state). The Legislature loves it because now, laws are instituted and if they are garbage, not one congressman has to take responsibility. Do you like unaccountable bureaucrats directing the actions of the people? I sure as hell don’t. Another board of directors is exactly what we don’t need.

Side: Yes
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

You're taking me literally. I just meant that Congress and the Senate are like our country's board of directors. They decide where we need to spend money, they decide what needs to be repaired or protected …. AND, they SHOULD be answerable to the stockholders (us).

The President should have less power? No, IMO. Special interests should have less power to ELECT a President! It's not likely that "the people" would elect one like we have now. Special interests have set up a system (or corrupted one), that gave U.S. what we have now! An administrative state, as you describe, is NOT what the founders had in mind, obviously. I agree with all you say about that. I just don't like your solution. We need government OF, BY and FOR the people, as large as THE PEOPLE feel necessary. Somehow we have to take that back from the capitalists (and bureaucrats) that have run amok. We need a strong President with the power to do that, but, only the popular vote will get U.S. there, NOT the Gerrymandered one!

Side: Yes