
Debate Info

Yes, that's just not right Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Yes, that's just not right (6)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Should the government make laws to try and control the use of Photoshop?

Yes, that's just not right

Side Score: 10

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 4

She seems to like it though ;)

Side: Yes, that's just not right

I believe so since Photoshop may fool people about offensive attempts against a person. An example would be a naked picture of a girl. It was only edited but since due to Photoshop, it seems real so the identity of the girl was destroyed. Photoshop must be regulated since it may be used for cyber bullying.Plus we know what happens when you bully someone.

Side: Yes, that's just not right
MrPrime(268) Disputed
1 point

We already have anti defamation and privacy laws that protect people from this type of activity (using Photoshop to defame someone or "expose their privacy"). Also, there are thousands (maybe millions?) of other "tools" that allow you to defame and or expose the privacy of people that would also need to be controlled. This seems too impracticable. Therefor the government should not try ans control Photoshop.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

You do have a point that there are other applications in technology that may be used in identity assassination. Hence the solution must be the affirmation of new laws that would punish abusive people. Let us say, the cyber police. Probably a new branch of the police in charge of arresting people who create abusive content about another person who is being bullied in the internet.

Side: Yes, that's just not right
1 point

What's up with that creepy dude just watching? Freaking perv!

Side: Yes, that's just not right
1 point

if I were the crew, no

if I were the star wars soldier, maybe

If I were the girl, yes

so simple ae

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
ckkpower(105) Disputed
1 point

Debates are all about POV, yes. But you still need concrete reasons, not just bcos I dun like it, or I like it. Reasons are used when you debate, not plainly perspective.

Side: Yes, that's just not right
1 point

no. what can a edited picture do to people?........................

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
ckkpower(105) Disputed
1 point

frame him/her of something he/she hasn't done: e.g. making someone seem they are eating drugs, etc. (I dun wanna go the more personal parts...)

Side: Yes, that's just not right

Why should it be?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!