
Debate Info

Coffee should be sold to kids Coffe shouldnt be sold to kids
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Coffee should be sold to kids (3)
 Coffe shouldnt be sold to kids (4)

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Should the US sell coffee to kids or not?

Should the us sell coffee to kids or not?

coffe can have many side affects, should children drink it?

Coffee should be sold to kids

Side Score: 3

Coffe shouldnt be sold to kids

Side Score: 4
Wall-Drop(2) Banned
1 point

Uhhh, first of all, I don't think kids can OD on coffee. Second of all, coffee has great nutritional value. It can help prevent diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. I don't think we should be giving kids coffee on a regular basis, but I don't think it should be illegal either.

Side: Coffee should be sold to kids
1 point

It should. Remember, America is FREE. There's stuff called ' freedom to buy coffee." Coffee isn't drugs, guns, etc.

Side: Coffee should be sold to kids
1 point

Coffe, chocolate... how far would this go?

Side: Coffee should be sold to kids
1 point

kids could get addicted to coffee and could OD on it. There is no physical danger in kids drinking moderate amounts of Coffee, however, since caffeine, is a strong stimulant and kids can become hyper active easily, it is really not recommended.

Side: Coffe shouldnt be sold to kids
Wall-Drop(2) Banned
1 point

Uhhh, first of all? I don't think you can OD on coffee. Second of all, coffee has great nutritional value. It can help prevent lots of diseases, like heart disease and cancer, and it has lots of vitamins kids need to grow. Sure, I suggest you don't give a kid coffe on a regular basis, but it shouldn't be illegal.

Side: Coffe shouldnt be sold to kids

Kids can easily get addicted to caffeine and load up enough on sugar and coffee to give a heart attack to a water buffalo.

( Sugar is used in coffee, for those who did not know )

Side: Coffe shouldnt be sold to kids

I don't think the vast majority of children like the taste of coffee.

Side: Coffe shouldnt be sold to kids