
Debate Info

Both Deport alone
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Deport alone (2)

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sayyad99(773) pic

Should we imprison and deport or only deport immigrant felons?

Do you think that we should let immigrant felons serve their time and then deport them back or inorder to save the economy money, just deport them back. Some claim that they do not see the point in imprisonment for those whose faith will be deportation, when we are faced with financial crisis and prison overcrowding whilst others claim that imprisonment serves as an act of restitution for the victim's family even if their deportation procedures are ordered to be stopped and there is no definite descision to deport them. What is your opinion? Should we continue to imprison them and then deport them or should we deport them alone?


Side Score: 0

Deport alone

Side Score: 2
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We should only deport the illegal immigrants. Legal immigrant felons are technically US citizens and should be treated as such.

Side: Deport alone
1 point

well deport would make sense. but i have an other idea, lets secure our borders so were not dealing with international crimes in the first place.

Side: Deport alone