
Debate Info

Yes we should. No we shouldn't
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Yes we should. (1)
 No we shouldn't (1)

Debate Creator

Ifreen(3) pic

Should we open up the economy with caution after the lockdown?

Yes we should.

Side Score: 1

No we shouldn't

Side Score: 1
1 point

It's a dilemma for most governments as they will be damned if they do and damned if they don't.

The predicament for the leaders of the western nations is to agree an acceptable number/percentage of deaths in order to avoid total economic collapse.

Opening up the free world's economy will definitely cause a spike in the covid-19 death toll but this may be the price we will have to pay to avoid the horrors of starvation,anarchy along with the probability of widespread civil war on a global scale.

Hey, we have all this courtesy of our Chinese friends way out in the Orient.

Side: Yes we should.
1 point

Should we open up the economy with caution after the lockdown?

Either way the left will become destructive and begin killing each other and destroy each others' homes and businesses.

Side: No we shouldn't