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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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PhxDemocrat(13095) pic

St. Martin Luther King?

Pope Francis praised Martin Luther King while giving a speech to Congress.

Question:  Would you be in favor if the Catholic Church were to canonize its first non-Catholic Saint - Dr. Martin Luther King?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 4
0 points

It's funny you should mention Martin Luther King because I recently posted an argument concerning him and the Pope's visit....

Like I have said many times, Obama is a Liberal extremists bent on pushing his ideology no matter whose religious beliefs it offends.

Quoting from an article on the Pope's visit....

"Barack Obama has invited some individuals to meet the Pope who are either meant as an in-your-face lack of decorum. Obama invited a pro-abortion nun, a transgender woman Vivien Taylor who was told to bring friends, two Catholic gay activists, and the first openly gay Episcopal bishop among others.

Others invited are a gay Catholic blogger Aaron Ledesma, Catholic gay activist and Church critic Nicholas Coppola, and Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of the Catholic dissident group New Ways Ministry, who in 1999 was barred by the Vatican from working in ministry to homosexuals. GLAAD and LGBT leaders were invited and they invited dissidents in return."

It's one thing to have your own beliefs, but when you spit in the faces of people of faith and try to undermind their doctrine, you are the arrogant eletist control fanatics on the Left I always speak to. What's even more sickening is that many people on this site will deny what is going on. They sit there in all their deceitfulness, and try to say that those on the Left are not trying to force Churches to include Gay Sunday school teachers, Gay Priests, Gay Pastors, pro abortion nuns, etc. etc. etc. This is why I ban certain people because they constantly lie about what is going on. I refuse to debate a liar.

I wonder how the African American community would have liked it when Dr.King was envited to speak with the President, if the President invited KKK members to attend. Do you think that would be wrong and a total insult to African Americans? If you can't see that this is just as insulting, then WOW!

This is not a meeting to protest Church doctrine, it is a meeting between two leaders and respect should be shown. Respect from the extremist Obama will never happen. He will take every opportunity to push his Liberal ideology onto all those he thinks have no right's to their beliefs, because their beliefs are at odds with his is all knowing politcal correctness.

He is the absolute worst President of all time because he has no respect for all Americans and their diversity of thought. These are the types of Presidents the Democrat party puts forward. That tells you what has become of the Democrat party.

Side: Yes
1 point

Why is it insulting to bring people who disagree with someone to meet that person? I doubt martin Luther King would feel disrespected if KKK members were invited to meet him. In fact, isn't that the kind of peron MLK was trying to reach?

Gay catholics are not enemies of the pope. They are not a hate group. The pope has proven to be very supportive of them, or at least much more supportive than his predecessors. Why would it be offensive for people who have positive feelings about the pope to meet him?

Side: No
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Obama personally invited the people and groups who are at odds with the Pope!

Obama did not personally invite any NRA members, or pro life groups, or anti Obamacare groups, or anti Global warming agendas, or tougher immigration groups, etc. etc.

To try and say that Martin Luther King would not be offended by the President personally inviting KKK members makes you a total fool.

Side: Yes
1 point

To put it poetically:

The King you speak of is no saint,

God tainted his skin with tarnished paint.

Side: No
1 point

Doctor Martin Luther King sounds much better than saint. At least the first gives more respect. While the other...

Side: No