
Debate Info

It Is It Isn't
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:21
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 It Is (1)
 It Isn't (10)

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IchthysSaves(621) pic

The Bible is infallible and has no errors in it and is God's Word.

It Is

Side Score: 1

It Isn't

Side Score: 18
1 point

That's true.

Side: It Is
3 points

HAHAHAHA, that's hilarious. Tell another joke.

Side: It Isn't

I got one: There is this 1000 year old Palestinian Jewish carpenter who could heal people and was Gods only son

Side: It Isn't
1 point

That's another good one. Where do you get this stuff?

Side: It Isn't

Ah yes- the book that tells us that "God" had to sacrifice himself to himself to get around his own rules that he put in place because a man made from dirt and a woman made from a bone ate a magic fruit given to them by a talking snake?

Sure, sounds infallible to me.

Side: It Isn't
2 points

Hold on a second! He didn't become a snake until after he tempted Dusty and McRib.

Genesis 3:14 "And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life"

So, I'm assuming the serpent had arms and legs (or rocket boosters... actually, let me be more realistic... wings!), which would have looked very strange and because he convinced McRib to take a bite out of God's ridiculously tempting forbidden fruit (seriously, wouldn't it have been easier for God to not put that tree there?), God was like "eat dust, bitch!".

Seems like it was set to fail from the start and I would have recommended that the gullible couple hire an attorney.

Side: It Isn't
2 points

Hehe, Dusty and McRib, awesome.

Side: It Isn't

The Bible was written by man, hence, it is prone to error.

Side: It Isn't

The Bible was written by man, therefore, the Bible is prone to human error.

Side: It Isn't