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Geocentric(25) pic

The Earth does NOT MOVE!

The Bible says that the earth does not move.

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2 points

We know that the stars in the sky are light years away. We know that these stars move across the sky with a periodicity of 24 hours. If the Earth doesn't move than it follows that these stars move through spacetime (much, much) faster than the speed of light. This contradicts the fact that nothing moves faster than the speed of life through spacetime. So by contradiction, it follows that the Earth does move.

1 point

Do you believe the fallible words of scientists or the infallible word of God.

Donrubin(1) Disputed
1 point

I don't believe in the fallible "word" of a God which advocates prostitution and genocide. Also, the earth moving 'round the earth has been established by a lot of evidence.

Nomoturtle(858) Disputed
1 point

i believe in my fallible sense of reasoning of the fallible reasoning of the scientists. i do not however believe in your fallible words conveying a fallible idea

Actually it does. It spins, that is why days and nights exist.

1 point

the earth revolves around the sun and the sun also revolves around another sun