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Evolution all the way. God loves stupid people.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Evolution all the way. (5)
 God loves stupid people. (2)

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jolie(9810) pic

The Evolution Dilema.

Either there is an evolutionary advantage to being stupid or evolution is wrong.

If evolution is wrong, then there is a God.

If there is a God, then He most love stupid people.

Evolution all the way.

Side Score: 7

God loves stupid people.

Side Score: 2
2 points

There is no "dilemma" regarding the Theory of Evolution. It has been all but irrefutably proven to be true; it has NO serious or credible competitive theory to rival it; and it is believed by at least 90% of ALL professional Biologists and Anthropologists.

As far as god, what god? Thru the millennia mankind in his fear and ignorance has invented thousands of them. Maybe millions. And as far as science is concerned not one of them holds sway over the other and they are all equally as preposterous.

Stupid people? You'll have to be more specific. Stupid is a matter of opinion. We could go by IQ scores I suppose, and say that anybody below an 80 could be defined as stupid. So lets use this as a benchmark, shall we. Though I admit up front it is subjective.

Now then..............

as far as homo sapien adults in the world today, it is believed that less than 30% would score that low. Thus they are a minority. Thus since no god exists he cannot "favor" stupid people and anyway stupid people are in the minority.

I am guessing you just refer to people as stupid of they post things here that you do not like or agree with. Though I do admit that I have encountered several, oh, shall we say, "intellectually challenged" people here on CD. Most of them seem to be the religious zealots and the redneck reactionaries.

Hope this helps!


Side: Evolution all the way.
Demon_Hunter(635) Clarified
2 points

I agree that in science circles Evolution is all but proven and is pretty much taken for granted. Even though I'm a Christian I don't buy the Genesis account. I believe in Evolution, but think that it is driven by God. Theistic Evolution.

As far as the whole 'stupid' claim. Before we can even discuss ot further we have to define intelligence. Nobody ever has, really, there are different opinions. It IS agreed upon that most of those so-called IQ tests are hopelessly culturally biased.

A great book was written on relative intelligence, and it asked if some of our lesser advanced 3rd world peoples might be the 1st World nations if they had the environmental advantages we do, like access too minerals and ores for manufacturing.

Book is called "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond.

The author thinks the answer is yes, that if, say, African tribes had the geological goods we did, they would be a world power. I am not sure I agree with this, but its an interesting notion.

Side: Evolution all the way.
1 point

There is definitely an evolutionary advantage to being stupid. Especially when debating. First, you drag your opponent down to your level and then you beat him with experience.

Side: Evolution all the way.
Demon_Hunter(635) Clarified
2 points

Be careful there, Betty. you are dangerously close to plagiarism.

That is a paraphrase of a famous Mark Twain quote. You need to give due credit.


"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain

Side: Evolution all the way.
jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

Let him sue me then.

Side: Evolution all the way.
1 point

Being smart requires a lot of energy. Evolution will trade being smart for being able to reproduce. If being stupid allows you to have more kids than evolution will favor stupidity.

Side: Evolution all the way.
2 points

You're correct, in that if it came down to intelligence of ability to produce heathy offspring, evolution will choose the latter every time. Well, choose is a bad word, as it implies the ability to decide. It will code for the offspring the and let the intelligence gene to be selected out. Or, switched off.

So it's a good thing this is not the case. Being smart takes no more energy than being obtuse. Indeed, it may require less since you would perhaps me more adept at making and using tools to make life easier.

Side: Evolution all the way.
1 point

Debating also requires a lot of energy. So why are you here debating when you should be reproducing?

Side: Evolution all the way.
1 point

Stupid people are entertainingly funny. You have to love them otherwise they'll drive you nuts.

Side: God loves stupid people.
1 point

The information is there, within you. All people understand there is a God. The people with above average intelligence question this. That's not a bad thing, go ahead and question it.

It can bring you to a greater understanding of God and the world around you.

If you inspect the world for signs of God and don't find any, don't erroneously assume that God doesn't exist.

God loves us all, but being stupid is a blessing that everyone doesn't receive. If you aren't lucky enough to be stupid please keep searching for God, you are probably just looking in the wrong place.

Side: God loves stupid people.