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Debate Score:65
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spiritualman(289) pic

Yeshua wants......

.........CD user DanaForYeshua to explain what she knows about identifying false prophets.

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4 points

There is no such thing as prophets. Any who claim to be are therfore false prophets .

False. I am the prophet for the Oreo God thay created this universe. :)

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Blasphemer! How dare you go against the Flying Spagetti Monster! Pastafarianism is the way! ;)

1 point

Ever read any Orwell Chap ?

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

George Orwell? The english novelist? No but i guarantee it's a hell of a lot better than that drabble you peddle called the bible.

2 points

You claim to be a prophet yet preach things that are against the Bible. You said that you are one in spirit with Yeshua: false.

Either you are telling a lie about me (That I claim to be a prophet) or you can show an instance where I have made that claim. It is true that I made the second claim and his witness in my heart convinces me more than your opinion ever will. Do you know what Yeshua was talking about when he warned that even saying "thou fool" would put one in danger of hell fire? Please Share your Christian thoughts on what Christ was talking about there.

In the Name of Yeshua I ask you to give witness.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

You claimed to be one in spirit with Jesus and Gandi, liar. .

Personally I would like her to explain how a person can prove that they are a true prophet, like she challenged me to do In this debate. If she has nothing to say....well that says something.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
2 points

I accidentally "prophesised" the war in Libya with my mnemonic for the periodic table in 2009. For Crappy Reasons, Plane 7L Couldn't Manage A Zing In Libyan Circuit Space (Got Potted)

I have no idea about the plane though...


1 point

Do you have to actually claim to be a prophet, or do you just have to claim you speak to God? You didn't seem to claim you were a prophet, just that you could get questions answered.

I have admitted that I am not to be trusted, because at times I have been overcome by Satan and other various nasty demons. In fact God threatened to quit talking to me unless I mentioned this. God has told me that is the business of the Holy Spirit to reveal his truth, and that the Holy sprit has the power to turn lies against Satan and render even the worst of these a source of truth. If I say that Dana will read this debate and struggle internally about whether to respond, and this event comes to pass, I would have been a true prophet at least in that respect.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

If someone preaches a false gospel, they are a false prophet. .

1 point

No my dear, If they predict that which does not come to pass they are a false profit.

I am the true prophet.

Then share what god has to say about:

1. Whether there is currently only one prophet or if there are many.

2. Whether it's wise to trust someone you recognize as a prophet.

God has spoken. He hath said that there is only one prophet which is I. It is indeed wise but you must choose to listen or not.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

:) .

I dont think anyone is a true prophet on earth as of now. If so they must be the false prophet.

1 point

She wants to impress you with her suppesedfully good looks even though she's ugly as fuck!!!!!!!!