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 The Left could care less about PP selling Baby organs. They have no compassion! Period! (8)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

The Left could care less about PP selling Baby organs. They have no compassion! Period!

These undercover Planned parenthood videos have truly shown us the soul of the Democrat party and those on the Left. There is no true heartfelt compassion in their collective. If they can not even take a stand against the barbarism of what Planned parenthood is doing with late term Baby's and their organs, then they obviously posess no such compassion for anyone.
They say they have compassion for the poor? This PP issue proves they care only for the vote of the poor. There can be no heartfelt compassion for the poor when they so callously excuse what Planned parenthood is doing.
They refuse to stop funding this hideous organization rather than giving the money to other decent women's health programs.
This once and for all shows the utter moral bankruptcy on the Left.
They are bought and sold by feminst groups who say nothing while healthy late term girl babies are being aborted and harvested.
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I wonder how many people other than myself he has pre-banned out of fear of differing opinions.

1 point

i'm legitimately concerned as to whether his account's been hijacked by fromwithin

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

It hasn't. FromWithin pre-bans a lot of people from his debates, and that bans most people who respond to his debates. Cuaroc re posts his debates word for word, but doesn't ban anyone, to make a statement.

1 point

I am banned. Let's take a vote. How many people have been silenced by the censoring liberal?

I have been banned from his debates as well, obviously.

Many who oppose abortion are just using rhetoric to make themselves feel good inside because no way do they want abortion to end because it will mean their taxes will go up. They're phonies!

1 point

Wrong. Our "compassion" is for the living. If an aborted fetus can be used to cure or repair a living being like parents, daughters, sons, friends. It is SO much better than dying in vain.

The U.S.A, after all, was rated 174th out of 193 countries in "infant death AFTER live birth". Some Americans seem to care only for a fetus. After birth, WTF, if they don't have health care (like what they might get at "PP"), it's a shame, but, their parents are to blame! NO, Americans with NO COMPASSION for the poor are to blame. Mostly, those , um...Christians.... on the RIGHT! They are the ones who "couldn't" care less!

It's really funny, because Planned Parenthood is not selling baby organs for profit. They just aren't. If you were willing to fact check the places where you get their information, you would know this. Unfortunately, that might convince others to fact check you, which I can get why you wouldn't want.