
Debate Info

Choose which bathroom you like Keep men and women separate
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Choose which bathroom you like (3)
 Keep men and women separate (1)

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ConvinceMe8(6) pic

The Transgender Bathroom Debate

Should transgenders be allowed to choose the bathroom the want, or should men and women be kept separate in the bathroom

Choose which bathroom you like

Side Score: 4

Keep men and women separate

Side Score: 1

I think we should bring back segregation, but also create gender neutral bathrooms, so we'll have six different bathrooms.

Side: Choose which bathroom you like
1 point

I think a trans-gendered person should use the bathroom their appearance and organs coincide with.

Side: Choose which bathroom you like

I hope people understand that we have been using bathrooms with transgender individuals for hundreds of years. "Transgender" is not new.

Side: Choose which bathroom you like
1 point

Seattle, WA – Unidentified male. Seattle man in women's locker room cites gender rule. KGW News, February 16, 2016, available at A man walked into a woman’s locker room and began to undress. Evans Pool was open for lap swim on February 8, 2016, when a man wearing his bathing suit entered the women’s locker room and began to undress. The women went to the staff who asked the man to leave, but the man stated that since Washington law had changed, he had a right to be in the locker room of his choice. “No one was arrested in this case and police weren't called, even though the man returned a second time while young girls were changing for swim practice.” See also bathroom-laws

Side: Keep men and women separate