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 The difference between two Liberals, one an ideolog and one a pragmatist. (2)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

The difference between two Liberals, one an ideolog and one a pragmatist.

I recently watched a video on this site concerning Obama's Presidency. The speaker made many good points but the one point that stood out was his description of the difference between a pragmatic Liberal such as Bill Clinton, and an ideolog like Obama.

During Bill Clinton's Presidency he  had to deal with a majority Republican Congress. Bill could have gone the route of a Leftist Liberal ideolog, getting nothing accomplished while harming America, or he could do what he did and compromise with the GOP controlled Congress by finally compromising and allowing some good legislation to be passed such as workfare.
Our nation's economy did well when Clinton moved to the center and allowed legislation that helped our nation grow.

Along comes Obama, the first Liberal ideolog President in our history. His goal, rather than compromising and accomplishing some good things for America, was TRANSFORMING America.

The American people and GOP had many times voiced their opposition to Obamacare, but this Democrat Party now filled with ideologs, decided to force through Obamacare without one GOP vote, and without the support of the majority of Americans.
The outcome as pragmatists understood, was a complete nightmare of a Government mandated Healthcare plan that is collapsing before our eyes. These Democrat ideologs are still fighting every attempt to overhaul it.

There is no longer pragmatism, when it comes to what's good for America, in the Democrat Party. Their's is a Leftist Party of divide and conqueor. The harm to America means nothing to them. They are very very arrogant Leftist's and will transform America to their big government socialistic vision no matter how much it continues to fail and bankrupt our nation. IDEOLOGS!

Trump is the greatest threat to their transformed America and we are seeing their dysfunctional hatred for him. The next eight years will be constant turmoil and I hope the American people will speak out against these ideolog Democrats and the biased hatemongering liberal media.

Quit worrying about Trump's crudeness. Quit worrying bout Trump's egotistical personality. He's a work horse and truly cares for America and the American people. He is getting things accomplished as we are already seeing with a huge reduction in illegal immigrations, with a confident stock market hitting record highs, with a stronger military not having their hands tied by Obama.

Let him do what he does best.....getting things done and getting our government back to working order. Speak out against the obstructionist even if you are a LIberal. Be a pragmatist, not a mindless cultish ideolog.

Now before you waste all our time syaing that the GOP was also obstructionist against Obama. First of all they were not near as bad as these hateful ideologs running the Democrat Party, and second of all they were fighting to keep an ideolog from transforming America to another socialist European nation.

The GOP fights for our Constitution to keep the freedoms and power in the hands of the people, not in the hands of a corrupt controlling Leftist Government.
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I expected it to be at least a bit reasonable considering the title and apparent lack of maggot's signature screams.

I'm disappointed.

1 point

Hello From:

Without a link to the video, I'm unable to watch it.. But, let's be clear.. You and I see the world through two completely different lenses.

We're now led by a pathologically dishonest, unqualified, inexperienced, temperamental, ignorant flimflam man. Things will never be the same. And we have no idea at the moment, exactly what form this change is going to take, which makes this all very, very frightening.

But, ONE thing is becoming clear.. The world is LEADERLESS.. At one time, our allies looked to us, as the guarantor of global security. But, not any more. We WERE the worlds leader.

But, Trump made it CLEAR where his allegiance lies during his recent trip abroad.. He GROVELED with Muslim dictators, and LECTURED the Europeans...

Get ready for a bumpy ride.


excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Hello again, From:

Thanks for the link.. It put it in a better context... And, yes Clinton governed differently than Obama..

But, on to the video.. What I saw was one right winger interviewing another right winger.. Sowell's conclusions were predictable. I've heard it all before.. Thomas Sowell, is a brilliant economist, but I fundamentally disagree with his slant on history..
