
Debate Info

He would know Mummble mummble mummble
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:9
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 He would know (2)
 Mummble mummble mummble (1)

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JunkyardDog(14) pic

The goal of Socialism is Communism - Vladimir Lenin

He would know

Side Score: 3

Mummble mummble mummble

Side Score: 1
1 point

Communism is pretty close to the system humanity would have if it was not the most vile filthy species ever in the history of the earth.

Capitalism was invented by people who where already rich under feudalism to make the idiot masses work for a social construct called money, which they could only get by working for the buorgeioisie (did I spell that right? It's confusing) and to make money their only means of accessing resources in society. All the founding fathers in America for example where wealthy landed aristocrats. What this essentially means is that greed + stupidity= capitalism because it was designed to keep you enslaved to the aristocracy and program your stupid ape commoner brain to associate their conceptual made up excuse why you should work for some rich guy and get crumbs of the wealth despite doing all the work with freedom and prosperity, even though it was just made up to make you work for them.

Side: He would know
-4 points
Xenithbionic(2) Disputed
2 points

Same guy that applied every fiscal tenant of Marxism, yep. You nailed it. You know. The guy you have defended on here. The Commie.

Side: He would know