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 The left isn't so bad after all. (23)

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The left isn't so bad after all.

Some on this site speak about the left as ignorant hypocrites while viewing the right as the side of practicality and honesty. 
I wondered why the left in many cases is more favored, and it turns out the left's vision is not like what many say on here.
It turns out that the left has the appeal even among people calling themselves "right wing". First, it is important to know what the terms "left" and "right" mean. The "right" advocates for social stratification/hierarchy in society while the "left" advocates for social equality/egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is taking over the world in our modern day, with modern democracies rising which are built around the idea. In the past, monarchism and emperors dominated, which is of the right. For the economy, social democracies have risen and have remarkable standards of living, health, and education. Universal healthcare is the norm among almost all developed countries and universal education. These are favored for good reason, since guaranteeing basic needs is important to the well being of people in society. 
People talk about censorship, but our modern day is going to freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is important towards the left rising. Social freedoms and equality are as well, like gay marriage(marriage equality), abortion, secularism, positive liberties, etc.
Equality is favored today, and for good reason. The people who speak about the left as ignorant hypocrites on here would agree that other right-wing ideologies like racism and Nazism are harmful. 
Just please don't speak about the left as full of ignorant hypocrites just because you disagree. Even if you are right-wing. 
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2 points

Only elete bigoted fools would paint people on the Right in America as thinking the same as dictators and brutal killers around the world.

We have one of those elete fools running for President. Hillary called 25% of our electorate as racists, sexists, exenophones, homphobes, Islamaphobes, etc. She called them all DEPLORABLE AND IRREDEEMABLE! Talk about closed minded intolerance for those who don't think like the Leftist no restriction abortion extremists.

These Right wing Americans were the ones who founded America and made it the greatest nation this world has ever seen! It was these traditionalist Right wing Americans who stood for moral values, respect for all innocent life. Christians were the ones who fought most to end slavery whie the Democrat party supported killing Black slaves.

Please spare us all how the Left, who supports killing innocent viable late term babies, even up to birth for any reason, as being not so bad. I would say they will go down in history as one of the most brutal uncompassionate selfish people the world has ever known.

The Right has many times tried to get compromise abortion limits up to 20 weeks (with extreme case exceptions) but the Left ALWAYS STOPS THEM!

They are every bit as bad as those on the Right say they are!


Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points

Talk about insecurity. Someone comes on here to say the left isn't so bad and you turn it into defending the right.

1 point

Only elete bigoted fools would paint people on the Right in America as thinking the same as dictators and brutal killers around the world.

Dude, you compare the Left to Nazi's like every other day. Saying the left wants to kill off babies is like a typical mid-afternoon coffee break for you.

1 point

He also said he would never vote for himself.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
0 points

Yep you talk to much dummy and you really don't have a clue as what you saying. The Left supports Planned Parenthood or did you miss that ? 55 million babies killed by Planned Parenthood and yes it's like a coffee break to them. You really aren't to bright and you don't have the balls to fight back because you have nothing in the tank !!!!!!!!!!!

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You support the killing of viable late term babies because you are against birth control which prevents abortion.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You mindlless lying fool. I have always supported birth control you complete idiot!

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Talk about insecurity. Someone comes on here to say the left isn't so bad and you turn it into defending the right.

DS0330(267) Disputed
1 point

Only elete bigoted fools would paint people on the Right in America as thinking the same as dictators and brutal killers around the world.

Well, I didn't. I did say that Nazism and racism are right-wing, but not that right-wing American conservatives support militant dictatorship. Racial supremacy doesn't belong on the left because the left is about equality. The right is about social stratification and inequality. For example, capitalists are right-wing because they support inequality and defend it on the basis of economics.

We have one of those elete fools running for President. Hillary called 25% of our electorate as racists, sexists, exenophones, homphobes, Islamaphobes, etc. She called them all DEPLORABLE AND IRREDEEMABLE! Talk about closed minded intolerance for those who don't think like the Leftist no restriction abortion extremists.

I dislike Hillary, but Trump............

These Right wing Americans were the ones who founded America and made it the greatest nation this world has ever seen!

That is your opinion, and makes sense since you seem to support American conservatism.

It was these traditionalist Right wing Americans who stood for moral values, respect for all innocent life.

What moral values? Pushing religion into our government, when we are truly a secular nation.

Christians were the ones who fought most to end slavery whie the Democrat party supported killing Black slaves.

Christians have supported slavery as well. The democratic party was a right-wing party, which has went more to the left.

Please spare us all how the Left, who supports killing innocent viable late term babies, even up to birth for any reason, as being not so bad.

Oh, abortion, do you know why people on the left support legalized abortion? Abortion isn't murder.

I would say they will go down in history as one of the most brutal uncompassionate selfish people the world has ever known.

Not even close.

The Right has many times tried to get compromise abortion limits up to 20 weeks (with extreme case exceptions) but the Left ALWAYS STOPS THEM!

They support the right to choose.

They are every bit as bad as those on the Right say they are!

Not at all. The right just paints an image of the left to make it look negative.


Well, Nazis and racists are on the right, but people on the right are not necessarily racist.

cownbueno(407) Disputed
0 points

I know this is completed unrelated to the debate but...

It's spelled Elite, not Elete.

Xenophobes, not Exenophones.

Homphobes is not a word, and neither is Homophobes.

If you're going to debate, do you really think people will take you seriously if you type like a buffoon.

Also, Re: Your abortion comments, how many times do people have to inform you that you are incorrect for you to take note?

cownbueno(407) Clarified
1 point

Down vote me all you want, it won't make your spelling any better than it currently is.

You are fighting an uphill battle. The people you are referring to know just about nothing about "the left" from an ideological context, and instead refer to a sort of straw-man construction of "the left" that allows them to have an easily referenced boogeyman in order to satisfy ideological insecurities.

1 point

The people you are referring to know just about nothing

Sometimes you type too much.

Sometimes I talk too much as well. It's a well established problem.

DS0330(267) Clarified
1 point

I was hoping they would be a bit more open minded to this, however, they don't really ever seem to be.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

There are a couple people on the right who are more reasonable when it comes to ideology, such as Amarel and SlapShot. However I believe they are both Libertarian, or at least Libertarian leaning, rather than Conservative.

1 point

Just please don't speak about the left as full of ignorant hypocrites just because you disagree.

Perfect scenario to describe the Progressive Left. You could not have done a better job of showing who the Progressive Left is. Job well done.

1 point

Well I was taught that the meaning of "Liberal" is to be open to new ideas. I guess in these days, it's used as a synonym for "political left democrats". Anyone with a brain can see that the political left has adopted a lot of ideologies that are actually contradictory to traditional values, capitalism and the constitution. I believe most of the left lack the capacity and self-awareness of the brainwashing that had occurred to them through "culture" and the high percentage of media spewing garbage.

DS0330(267) Disputed
0 points

Anyone with a brain can see that the political left has adopted a lot of ideologies that are actually contradictory to traditional values, capitalism and the constitution.

Many left-wingers are capitalists, they are social democrats which still advocate for a capitalist framework.

They aren't contradictory to the constitution.

I believe most of the left lack the capacity and self-awareness of the brainwashing that had occurred to them through "culture" and the high percentage of media spewing garbage.

Anyone who equates an ideology with being brainwashed clearly is being an arrogant and biased person. Never call someone "brainwashed" because you disagree with their ideology.

I am speaking about the goals of the left which even you may partially agree with.

Sornillo(3) Disputed
1 point

Alright, fair enough. I should have said some, as to not suggest all of the left believe in some of the ideologies I find rather interesting (Means stupid). But most people who believe in said ideologies tend to be left-leaning (I mean seriously, some think think that one can both have open borders and open entitlements which include free healthcare, education, food assistance etc without an endless influx of immigrants and eventual systemic collapse, it's funny.) Now, SOME of the left-wingers DO believe in these idealogies which ARE contradictory to the things I listed in my initial comment.

Leftists ideology, whatever the strain, is not based in reality. It is based in a belief. Specifically, a belief that they WANT to believe in. There is no empirical evidence. There is no rational thought or intellectual honesty or rigour involved. It is simply something for the masses to opiate themselves on and feel good about it. (Such is why I called it brainwashing.) Don't even get me started on the hypocrisy that seeps out of their mouths.