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 The neighbor wanted to be political correct & not profile these terrorists. Says it all! (7)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The neighbor wanted to be political correct & not profile these terrorists. Says it all!

This is what Progressives have done to Americans. They have made them fear speaking out against suspicious behavior, or profiling possible terrorists who are doing odd things, because it is not politically correct.
Obama spends most of his worrying more for the possible steriotyping of Muslim terrorists versus the safety of all Americans. The example he sets conditions people to say nothing when there is suspicion.

Obama can't even bring himself to say Islamic terrorism. The Left is doing what I always say they do. They care more for the right's of criminals than they do the safety of Americans.
Our safety should be at the top of his list, and that safety supercedes the possiblity of some person being profiled.
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Can you provide any source that says that profiling can decrease terrorist activity? Just one.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Pleaseeeeeeee, everyone knows profiling works but like all good Liberals, they care more for the rights of possible criminals than they do the future victims. New York city crime went down with Rudy Guiliani when he allowed profiling. Crime went back up after they stopped profiling.

No matter the issue, whether it be welfare, illegal drugs, alcohol, abortion, illegal immigrstion,etc. etc. it is always the same with those on the Left. They never want to hold people accountable for their actions.

They will never admit that certain groups of people are more apt to commit crimes. They refuse to admit the Black on Black killings, the higher rates of crimes from minorities, etc. etc.

We all know that it is sad for people in those profiled groups who are innocent and living by the rules. They should be the ones screaming at those in their groups who give them a bad name. But what do we always hear? Blame the people who profile others to try and save lives. The goal of saving lives supercedes the annoyance of beig profiled. I have been questioned a few times at airports and I completely understand the reasons. I'm glad they are being careful.

Remember those suicide bombers who were profiled before being allowed in that soccer stadium in France? IT SAVED MANY LIVES! Profiing works!

2 points

Pleaseeeeeeee, everyone knows profiling works

Ok, well, if you assume that this is a given, how about a study that proves otherwise?

"According to new research, it is no more effective to profile strongly—that is, subject individuals to increased scrutiny in proportion to their presumed likelihood of malfeasance—than it is to randomly flag individuals in the general population when it comes to rooting out terrorism. The reason, says study author William Press, a computer scientist and computational biologist at the University of Texas at Austin: terrorists are vastly outnumbered by innocents, and it's a waste of time and money to screen and rescreen the same benign people."

Crime went back up after they stopped profiling.

Crime has been consistently declining for a while now, so i'm a bit confused. Can you provide some evidence of this? Because that sounds to me like a statistic that you just assume to be true.

2 points

Had this neighbor called the police or FBI this massacre would have most likely been avoided. It is unfortunate that he/she was afraid of racial profiling. 14 dead Americans thanks to one person being afraid to rat out a few Muslims.

These terrorists had so many guns and bombs in their garage that it would have been easy to get a search warrant with the information that the neighbor observed. Since the terrorist went to Saudi Arabia he would have been on the FBI watch list, I am sure, which would have easily led to a search, or at least the FBI would have monitored the packages coming in.

Also, the FBI were in action 20 minutes after the shooting, leading one to believe that the terrorist was being watched by them.

Pleaseeeeeeee, everyone knows profiling works but like all good Liberals, they care more for the rights of possible criminals than they do the future victims. New York city crime went down with Rudy Guiliani when he allowed profiling. Crime went back up after they stopped profiling.

No matter the issue, whether it be welfare, illegal drugs, alcohol, abortion, illegal immigrstion,etc. etc. it is always the same with those on the Left. They never want to hold people accountable for their actions.

They will never admit that certain groups of people are more apt to commit crimes. They refuse to admit the Black on Black killings, the higher rates of crimes from minorities, etc. etc.

We all know that it is sad for people in those profiled groups who are innocent and living by the rules. They should be the ones screaming at those in their groups who give them a bad name. But what do we always hear? Blame the people who profile others to try and save lives. The goal of saving lives supercedes the annoyance of beig profiled. I have been questioned a few times at airports and I completely understand the reasons. I'm glad they are being careful.

Remember those suicide bombers who were profiled before being allowed in that soccer stadium in France? IT SAVED MANY LIVES! Profiing works!

0 points

Political Correct standards ARE a very real and present restraint or even a prison in our society today!

The social pressures applied by political correct speech by way pf shaming and accusations is actually Bullying, it is Controlling and Supressive.

This truely IS a real assault on our Rights and Freedom of Speech!

Legal recourse does exist for threats.

You cannot threaten the president!! No matter how we feel about him, Or the FBI would be at your door. LOL.

Actually threatening anyone can cause legal problems you dont want or need.

So free speach never was freedom to say anything you want.

All of our personal freedoms and rights are limited by the freedoms and rights of others.

So politically correct speech censorship is only as free to restrain us as we let it be! And we have to downplay it's importance, and lead others against allowing politically correct censorship.

We can and have to draw the line between freedom of speech, and when freedom of speech really oversteps our rights and/or the rights of others.

And in the present day, the politically correct bullies are WAY OVER THE LINE into the rights of everyone, many of us feel it, andvit doesn't feel right!

We need to push them back hard, and make them stand behind the line, they have NO RIGHT to cross over into our rights!

I do take an issue with some phrases. Like, I grew up in a Phila suburb, and a popular thing we said and still say is "I'm gonna kill you."

It meant nothing, we said it when we were mad and we also said it when we were glad. It was just a saying, like hey you. And "youz guyz"

So, my belief is, before everyone gets all politically correct on anyone, they should apply common sense, and some social skills. They should understand the context, and read their environment, and not be an idiot. And really figure out if someone was being mean, and if it really actually hurt you! No crying over every politically incorect word that spills out of someones mouth!!

before haing a poitically correct melt down.

I say we NOT be politically correct. I can see avoiding hate speech. We shouldn't have hate speech!

And No Double Standards Either!!

And threats of harm, or other bullying are to be discouraged. When someone really FEELS intimidation, and in a real way feel bullied by speech, then should be handled.

Like quit bullying Trump! Thats an example of what that crap is.

Bullying! Making your will prominent over anothers will. Overstepping your rights in the space of someone elses rights for your will while disregarding theirs!

Like, if someone is ripping down your kids self esteam everytime they enter the lunch room, then thats cause for action.

But much of politically correct speech is just censorship BY BULLIES , taking pain by choice in reaction to harmless words or sayings that meant nothing, taken out of context. And people who react as offended, do so by choice not actually in reaction to feeling injured! Its justifying the overreactions of a BULLY!

And it has nothing to do with them truely feeling anything at all about something saod, but Justification for their own bullying behavior! Its a power trip!

I'm not going to censor every word out of MY MOUTH for them, nor am I going to censor every word out of others mouths.

If I use "youz guys" and there are girls in the group, get a grip, I wasn't just addressing males in the group, and I wasn't ignoring or discriminating against the girls.

You know what? It's everybodies own responsibility to read their own environments, and relate accordingly. It's a social skill!!

Its not my goal in life to walk on eggshells and make everything sound acceptable to everyone.

We should not be pressured by the loudest bullies in our society, nor be imprisoned by intimidation, watching every word that comes out of our mouths.

Since when is it OK to shame and intimidate others, and force others to adapt to a neutrality as defined by the loudest mouths in our society.

I refuse to let my freedoms be hindered or censored by the shaming and bullying of an intolerant group of my fellow "Americans."

People who make their over-sensitivity a lofty platform, and act like they have exclusivity to rights and freedom, while denying everyone else their rights and freedoms need to be stopped!

I refuse to let an intolerant society of dictators justify their bullying by controlling people like me through censorshop standards, that they approve ,as acceptable words or phrases. I approve and police myself!

How dare they enforce their word approval on everyone else in society, by shaming speech of otherd and unjustifiable censorship!