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 The truth about god and the devil (8)

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feelingtruth(2774) pic

The truth about god and the devil

god and the devil are not entities. god is the universal life source that we can connect too (we are a part of the universe) but religion (the devil) tries to keep us from learning this because "only priests know the answers" which is complete bullshit, the people they called heretics and witches that they burned, were people who knew of this, and tried to tell others. god is not judgement, murder, hatred, violence, or even being disconnected from each other. that is the work of the devil, the devil is the government, it is the people who have covered murder and stealing with taxation and war, and most people today glorify the "devil" as is seen by a crap taste in music which promotes self destruction and not worrying about others. The end times are near

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I too am concerned about everyone..., which is why I advocate killing anyone who doesn't think like us ;)

1 point

Saying that government is evil is such a ridiculous statement. How, and why?

Also, what do you mean by "the devil is crap music?" I presume you mean metal music... Again, you'll need to explain this. I personally listen to metal and rock, and I assure you it doesn't cause any 'self-destruction.'

feelingtruth(2774) Clarified
1 point

Well government today pretty much dictates and regulates everything we do, you cant go anywhere without being watched, the government IS evil, they used to be good, but now everyone in office is in it just for them practically... might as well vote obamney 2012, its all bullshit, its a top down power house, which is the worst form of power, not to the people at the top, but to everyone else, its tyranny.

And i meant crap music as in the shit that is listened to today, lil wayne, niki minaj... horrible music today

Cynical(1943) Disputed
1 point

Well government today pretty much dictates and regulates everything we do, you cant go anywhere without being watched, the government IS evil, they used to be good, but now everyone in office is in it just for them practically... might as well vote obamney 2012, its all bullshit, its a top down power house, which is the worst form of power, not to the people at the top, but to everyone else, its tyranny.

The governmental is not evil... Are you trying to advocate a anarchy system?

And i meant crap music as in the shit that is listened to today, lil wayne, niki minaj... horrible music today

I agree most modern music sucks, but it's not "the devil." That's just a ridiculous thought. Nor does it cause self-destruction.

1 point

Well, God is the entity generally associated with good. The devil is the entity representing evil. This is self evident. One only needs to add one letter to these words to convert the adjective into a noun. The definitions however, will always be in flux.What is evil today was good in another age. For instance rape and pillaging was considered a noble pursuit to the Vikings but it just wont fly these days.