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RSS Hardrockstar

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Well, God is the entity generally associated with good. The devil is the entity representing evil. This is self evident. One only needs to add one letter to these words to convert the adjective into a noun. The definitions however, will always be in flux.What is evil today was good in another age. For instance rape and pillaging was considered a noble pursuit to the Vikings but it just wont fly these days.

1 point

Creationism is the view that the origin of the universe and the manner in which life came to exist on our planet is all explained accurately within the text of the christian bible. The portion of the bible that explains this was borrowed from one of the first literate people, the Jews who found the alphabet to be quite a powerful tool indeed. So profound that the writings that described the origins of their people were said to come from god and could not be contradicted. Christianity still refers to the same writings today as indisputable even though science has proved the story impossible. The text contradicts itself quite often as well, evidence that it was written by multiple authors that didn't have the benefit of checking for continuity. So belief in creationism is to reject reason. Rejecting reason stunts human progress and growth.

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