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Trump can Do No Wrong Not cool Trump
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:24
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 Trump can Do No Wrong (12)
 Not cool Trump (5)

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jeffreyone(1383) pic

There is nothing wrong with Trump not hosting Ramadan

Trump's reason was because of recent islamic bombings in Manchester and .............

Muslims leader thinks it's not cool since these bombers are not muslims/proper muslims.

personal opinion;
If these bombers take inspiration from the same book as you do, then act upon it, and you say they aren't muslims, then what are they?
They probably also think you's too are not muslim.
So now how does the world know who is a muslim?

Trump can Do No Wrong

Side Score: 15

Not cool Trump

Side Score: 8

If Atheists do not have to celebrate Christmas and Easter or put up with nativity scenes, we don't have to celebrate Ramadan. I personally see no need to celebrate a man who had sex with and promoted having sex with little children. Call me bongo bonkers.

Side: Trump can Do No Wrong
1 point

No, it's true. A President can pick and choose his involvements. He is within his right to not host Ramadan.

And he is also within his right to fail as a President.

Side: Trump can Do No Wrong
4 points

Why must a non-Muslim President celebrate Ramadan, but not celebrating, Makar Sankranti, Vasant Panchami, Thaipusam, or Maha Shivarat is okay?

Side: Not cool Trump
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

What are you arguing with me for? I agreed with you. ............................................

Side: Trump can Do No Wrong
1 point

Got to say it is very entertaining to see the Left get all upset about a religion that truly hates them and wants to kill them. Talk about really confused people the Left owns that confusion.

Side: Trump can Do No Wrong
1 point

I see the point, but if America is "the land of the free" as the rest of the world keeps getting that shoved down their throats, all religions should be equally celebrated.

Slighting a religion only encourages those who are already on the extremist side to take their own form of action.

Side: Not cool Trump
jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
0 points

"the land of the free"

freedom of bombing...yaay!

FYI; jihad is solely influenced by their books. Or else it doesn't exist anywhere.

They die believing they've had a straight pass to heaven ....and they Allah Wakubalu(allah is great) then boom!!!

Side: Trump can Do No Wrong
catninja(249) Disputed
1 point

It's not solely influenced by their books "FYI"; you seem to have a limited understanding both of the wider political and psychological influence.

How jihad works

Yes, the Quran does call for jihad. However, there are several types of jihad.

One is jihad al-nafs, which is the process of learning the teachings of Islam and patiently bearing the difficulties of introducing people to the religion.

One is jihad al-shaytaan, which involves handling your doubts and avoiding what is evil.

These are the two types that are obligatory.

The other types (against the nonbelievers and hypocrites) can be interpreted as being obligatory for the community as a whole, but the first two types of jihad (struggle) are seen as the truer and most important, and everyone is obliged to do them.

Political influence

Islamic extremism was virtually unknown fifty years ago. Western intervention in the Middle East, the homeland of Islam, over the past century has made people angry.

Look at what we did to Iran:'état#Blowback

This attack on Iran's democracy resulted in people becoming angry and embittered at the West. They rallied around their heritage -- which happened to be Islamic -- as a way of distancing themselves from those who had interfered and overthrown their democratically elected Prime Minister. Not only this, but the Iranian way of life was under threat; for example, the veil was banned and the calendar had been changed to suit the West. Most women at this time didn't wear the veil ( 0085.jpg) but Iran saw it as an attack on their heritage by Westerners who just wanted their oil.

The Islamic Revolution was a direct result of Western interference. Iran went from being a democracy to a theocracy in a few decades.

Still don't think there's any political aspect to it? Osama bin Laden is quoted as having said after 9/11 that attacks would continue until the "infidel armies... have left the lands of Mohammed."

When people are resisting colonialism etc., it is not uncommon to rally around the national religion. Sometimes the religion is used as a way for people to justify their resistance (I'm not justifying the rise of Islamism, but this is how it happens). Islamism is extreme Islam, politicised.

If you think it's just Islam that's the problem, think of Buddhist extremists in Tibet who are using their religion as a form of resistance. Or the IRA who used Catholicism to resist the British.

tl,dr; Places like Iran were fine until we intervened. The Palestinians were peaceful until the West plonked Israel on top of them.

Psychological influence

A lot of jihadis in the West (or those who go to fight in Syria) are young men and second or third generation immigrants. They may or may not grow up with Muslim teachings, but they are generally not raised with extreme views. This is why a lot of friends and family are shocked when they do something terrible in the name of Islam.

Unemployment among young, working-class men is high. Many extremists are unemployed. As second or third generation immigrants, they have probably experienced racism but don't feel so strongly attached to their original culture. This cultivates a sense of resentment, and they may revisit their cultural roots as a means of resistance. Some just want excitement or heroism, hence why they go to Syria.

This is in no means a justification. I'm just pointing out that to put the blame on religious texts is ignoring the wider picture, and is a contributing factor as to why current efforts to curb extremism are not working.

Side: Not cool Trump
Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

There's 3: 3 million Muslims in the US where's all the bombing taking place in the US Jeffers ?

Side: Not cool Trump
1 point

He's the boss so I guess he can do as he pleases why does he then say what's quoted at the end of my piece regarding Muslims and Ramadan ?

Also it's a fact the most oppressive and repugnant of Muslim countries is Saudi Arabia yet Trump signs a 110 billion arms deal with a country that's a living hellhole , what's that all about ?

It's repulsive to watch world leaders kiss the ass of the repulsive Saudi leadership and remain mute when a buck is to be made .

What Donald said regarding Muslims and Ramadan to the.... NYTimes

In a statement commemorating the start of Ramadan — the holy month of fasting that begins Friday evening — President Donald Trump wished Muslims a “joyful” holiday before repeatedly referencing terrorism, violence, and national security.

“On behalf of the American people, I would like to wish all Muslims a joyful Ramadan,” Trump said in a statement. “During this month of fasting from dawn to dusk, many Muslims in America and around the world will find meaning and inspiration in acts of charity and meditation that strengthen our communities. At its core, the spirit of Ramadan strengthens awareness of our shared obligation to reject violence, to pursue peace, and to give to those in need who are suffering from poverty or conflict.”

“I reiterate my message delivered in Riyadh: America will always stand with our partners against terrorism and the ideology that fuels it,” Trump added. “During this month of Ramadan, let us be resolved to spare no measure so that we may ensure that future generations will be free of this scourge and able to worship and commune in peace.”

Side: Not cool Trump
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Don't be so upset Darwin your country of Italy is having a problem with Muslims. You are aware of that right ?

I have linked it again !!!!!!

Side: Trump can Do No Wrong
Dermot(5736) Clarified
1 point

Why are you calling Italy 'my ' country ?

In my bio under country I have Italy why do you presume that's my country ?

Side: Trump can Do No Wrong