
Debate Info

No alt left Duh, alt left
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:17
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 No alt left (2)
 Duh, alt left (4)

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mrcatsam(663) pic

There's no Alt-left. Just alt right Nazis.

No alt left

Side Score: 4

Duh, alt left

Side Score: 10
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3 points

The reason the radical left is being called the alt-left is because they are authoritarian racists and racial collectivists, exactly like the alt-right.

Side: Duh, alt left
1 point

The term "alt" is easier and quicker to type than "radical". There are radicals on BOTH sides, though, on a balance scale it would decidedly lean to the right. 'thing is, those on the left mostly have the people and the planet and human rights in mind. Those on the right have greed and anti-everything-those-left-radicals-stand-for! DUH! I'll take the left nutcases if I have my druthers.

Side: Duh, alt left

If you believe in an alt-right, then you must also believe in an alt-left.

I would imagine that those who identify as conservatives would take serious issue with being lumped in with the portion of the far right that believes in white supremacy, and things of that nature.

In the same vein, core-value Democrats would take issue with those in the far left, such as members of Antifa, BLM, and other groups that riot, burn and break things, and protest every single opinion they hear that "offends their safe space".

Side: Duh, alt left