
Debate Info

here's a good one shame on you bronto
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 here's a good one (3)
 shame on you bronto (4)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

Things you shouldn't say at a liberal party nowadays

"Muhammed was a goat herding child rapist".

"Blacks are killing each other at alarming rates."

"Did you hear about Harvey Weinstein?"

here's a good one

Side Score: 4

shame on you bronto

Side Score: 4
1 point

Hey, I just bought a Prius! So it's official. I'm an honest to goodness liberal ;)

Side: here's a good one
1 point

How is the concept of identity politics not divisive, manipulative, and overall the epitome of everything the left espouses to be in opposition to?

Side: here's a good one
1 point

I think it is provocative to imply that all Jews are sex predators simply because Harvey Weinstein is one.

Side: shame on you bronto
FactMachine(430) Disputed
1 point

Not all Jews are sex predators but a lot of them are because the talmud condones pedophilia. Did you know that when the rabbi snips off a babies foreskin he then is expected to suck the blood off of the baby's penis? And yes, I do mean with his mouth.

Side: here's a good one
Eloy(190) Disputed
1 point

... the talmud condones pedophilia

I doubt that Jewish teaching condones pedophilia. Your example of ritual circumcision is unpersuasive.

Side: shame on you bronto
1 point

In like manner, you should NOT wear the new Republican tee shirt to a conservative party ... the one that says "RNC" on the front and "I'm with stupid", on the back. Or things like "Reagan completely supported the Brady Bill on gun control." Or, "Why do you think Trumps popularity figures can't get out of the 30's"?? ;-)

Side: shame on you bronto
1 point

I wouldn't go to any party based on an ideology. I've never even heard of a "liberal party".

Side: shame on you bronto