
Debate Info

Yep. It is what it is! Denial is my drug of Choice!
Debate Score:325
Total Votes:395
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 Yep. It is what it is! (118)
 Denial is my drug of Choice! (124)

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Chuz-Life(497) pic

This is a Child in the First Days of their Life


Yep. It is what it is!

Side Score: 173

Denial is my drug of Choice!

Side Score: 152

When the egg meets the sperm, a child is conceived. That is the first stage of its life cycle. During the first days (stage) of its life (cycle), a child looks like a clump of cells. But it is alive (just as single cell animals are alive) and it is a child (it is just in a different stage than us).

A butterfly is the adult stage of that particular insect. A butterfly has 4 distinct stages in its life cycle. Egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and butterfly (adult). Is any one stage any more deserving of life than any other stage? Why would it be OK for a butterfly to destroy its eggs but not OK to destroy the larva or the pupa?

Why is it OK for humans to destroy the fetus but not OK to destroy a new born, or a toddler or even a pesky teenager? ;)

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
2 points

When the egg meets the sperm, a child is conceived. That is the first stage of its life cycle. During the first days (stage) of its life (cycle), a child looks like a clump of cells. But it is alive (just as single cell animals are alive) and it is a child (it is just in a different stage than us).

The argument is not about whether it is alive or not. We all know that a fertilized egg is alive. My skin cells are alive, and they have human dna, but that does not make them people. Being alive, and having human dna, does not make something a person. So no, it is not a human child.

Why is it OK for humans to destroy the fetus but not OK to destroy a new born, or a toddler or even a pesky teenager? ;)

Because a newborn, toddler, and pesky teenager are all people. The fetus has not reached the criteria for being a person, until sometime later during the pregnancy.

All you've done is restated what the debate title originally said. Why not propose an argument instead?

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!

The argument is that what some people call a clump of cells is in reality a stage in the human life cycle. In other words, that clump of cells is human. It is a person. It is just in a different stage in the human life cycle. Humans begin as a clump of cells. ;)

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
3 points

The argument is not about whether it is alive or not. We all know that a fertilized egg is alive. My skin cells are alive, and they have human dna, but that does not make them people. Being alive, and having human dna, does not make something a person. So no, it is not a human child.

Is a child who is in the fetal stage of their life, the child or young of the parents who created them?

Yes or no?

(the answer is YES.... and you can't honestly say the same for any of the other cells you listed)

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
1 point

Do you know what another name for a cluster of reproducing human cells is? Cancer. Is chemotherapy anti-life?

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!

That is not accurate. A scientist can look at a clump of cells under a microscope and determine if it is cancer or human. ;)

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
2 points

I'm sorry did you just equate a child in the womb with a cancerous tumor?

Or, are you just fighting for the rights of tumors?

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
0 points

You're still a cancer.



Side: Yep. It is what it is!
2 points

Two cells. split. dont deny the future. say no to basically killing a person.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
Sitara(11075) Banned
1 point

I do not deny that it is a human being. Where we differ is on what Mom can do about the pregnancy.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
1 point

Hmm, based on what you've written, this view seems inconsistent. You seem to imply that you believe it is in fact a human being, but that you may support the mother being able to choose abortion if she so desires (so long as its not too late of course). Is this true?

The reason it seems inconsistent is because if you do believe it is a person, and you at the same time support the mothers choice to abort this human child, then by this logic alone you believe that the mother has the right to murder her own child.

If you do not hold this position, let me know. Not trying to put words in your mouth here.

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
1 point

EDIT - Removed.

I thought your comment was directed at myself.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
Sitara(11075) Clarified Banned
1 point

Please clarify what your point is, thank you. .

Side: Yep. It is what it is!

An adult is no more human than a teen, child, toddler or infant. Why should we exclude a fetus? It is simply in another stage of growth. But for some reason exiting out of the womb makes the baby a baby and ones that don't are non-human and don't have rights. Abortion is different from contraception! A sperm is sperm, an egg is an egg, its only when combined are they human. At this point this it is a human being, but simply at a different stage of growth than you are. You can rationalize it all you want, I'm still gonna call it what it is, murder.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
2 points

All your debates are the same, you are physically unable to support your bigot point of view by argumets so you are trying your luck by naming disagreeing with you by "Denial is my drug of Choice!" ... AN YOU STILL LOSE !!!! :D You are so pathetic :D

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
2 points

Oh, I feel bad...

If only I had some cheese to go with your whine for you.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!

I think this is it. since that's a picture of a seed.

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
2 points

Those are reproductive sperm cells (haploid gametes).

As such they have only the potential to form that which the zygote in my picture already is (namely a child in the fist days of their life)

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
1 point

What is it that makes a single fertilized cell a human child? It is neither conscious, nor does it have the ability to be aware of anything. It does not know of its own existence. It feels nothing. You would be causing a fly more harm by swatting it with a fly swatter, than a girl taking the morning after pill and killing this cell. The 'child' as you like to call it, is completely indifferent to its own existence, because it does not exist yet. It is not person yet.

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
0 points

So how is that seed going to make a tree? if I pick that seed up put it in my pocket and let it get some sunlight every now and then will I have a tree growing in my pocket?

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
0 points

What's with all the semi-colons. You only really need dashes..... Anyway, if I picked up that seed I wouldn't then go home and teach my children " This is not a seed, this is a tree." You saying it has the potential to be a child is like saying " Oh well here I have a bottle of olive oil, some mustard, some eggs, some salt, some vinegar and some garlic all separated. But it has the potential to make mayonnaise, so it must be mayonnaise!" Wrong, they are all little things that could one day, with a lot of work, be mayonnaise, but so far are not.

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!

Personally I'm pro-life, but at least try to understand the other persons agruement, seriously. Until you bring in the issue of the human soul (why I'm pro-life) their is no difference between ending the existence of a few cells and a fly. And I think the fly has just a few more cells but you're not mad about that.

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
1 point

Souls are aspects of beliefs and as such probably don't even exist. Our Constitution secures the rights of all human beings (persons) equally.... souls are not required by our Constitution - for those protections to apply.

Like I said before, we already have laws which make the killing of some children in the womb - a crime of murder. Those children may or may not have souls but it's of no relevance to the law either way.

Souls are (for that reason) nothing more than a red herring to the debate.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
2 points

I can't believe I'm argueing for pro-choice but why doesn't the Constitution secure the rights of trees then? A tree has no consciousness, neither does a "group of cells".

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
lupusFati(790) Clarified
2 points

Thank goodness Souls aren't required. I wouldn't have wanted to sell my soul to the military, after all.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
Elvira(3441) Banned
1 point

This is an exponential graph.

And I eat acorn mash, but I would totally feel bad about killing a tree. There is a difference. And also, your debates are poorly formed. I try to make the title and the options neutral and none offensive, maybe you should too.

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
2 points

You are only fooling yourself, dear... and I seriously doubt that your want for helping me form better debates (which disagree with your own conclusions) is genuine.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
Elvira(3441) Clarified Banned
3 points

I'm not dear anything, I'm a hostile blunt knife wielding maniac (who uses the proper safety guidelines and never gets the height wrong). The debate is a debate. Your conclusions are irrelevant, they are one of many. I may be heavily against something like horse meat, but in a debate I will have 'yes' 'no' 'I agree' 'I disagree'. I try make the debate unbiased and neutral, although I don't know if all my debates are like this as I'm not going to look through all 141 of them, but it's a principle. I try to stick to.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!
1 point

It's not so much denial as one fundamental idea- that we are people when we are able to reach consciousness. Before that we are just a clump of cells that can feel nothing and has no emotions.

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
0 points

This is exactly correct and should be the crux of all debate on the issue. Until there are synapses firing in the neocortex it is not a human being. Our brain is what defines life at the end of our lives and it's what should be the defining characteristic at the beginning. Before there is high level brain function we are merely a grouping of cells with the potential for human life, but not human.

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
0 points

You mammothly under-appreciate the complexity of an acorn compared to a zygote.

Side: Denial is my drug of Choice!
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
1 point

Your opinion is noted.

But I think you are taking the comparisson a bit too literally.

Side: Yep. It is what it is!