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 Trump is not trained in the PC art of lying to your face & never answering a question. (26)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Trump is not trained in the PC art of lying to your face & never answering a question.

You see, Trump speaks off the cuff. He is not a career politician trained in the art of lying to your face, not trained in the art of never answering a question, etc.

He is indeed thin skinned, egotistical, and his own worst enemy when it comes to addressing the opposition. Instead of staying focused on the rampant corruption, failures, and extremism in the Democrat party, he too often climbs in the gutter with individuals attacking him. He has a great message, and our nation needs it desparately, but he lacks the verbal skills to express it.

He has gone to the other extreme of the boring, non combative, past republican nominees such as Bob Dole, Mc'cain, Romney, etc. who stirred up little passion to the Conservative message.

So here we are once again, Americans voting for the person based souly on their verbal skills. Obama is a master in the art of public speaking. What he has proven beyond a doubt is that being skilled in public speaking, has absolutely nothing to do with his qualities to lead a nation. He is like a snake oil salesmen. He could charm the coat off an Eskimo's back yet in seven years has doubled our national debt to over 19 TRILLION with daily interest payments of 2.4 BILLION. Hitler was a wonderful orator if that can get you to grasp the point.
Obama is a Liberal extremist with an agenda of transforming America to his narrow view of Left wing politics. Obama lied to all Americans when he said he would bring both sides together and how our 8 TRILLION debt was traitorous. These corrupt politicians are masters of saying everything people want to hear, yet mean none of it.

WORDS MEAN NOTHING! They are liars! Politicians are liars! They have been trained in the art of lying to you! You can not believe a thing out of their mouths.

America desparately needs a change as we are truly going bankrupt! We need a leader that wants to make America whole again and who has no poltical extremism. We need a leader who cares for ALL AMERICANS. No lables required. No more gender politics, no more race politics, no more LGBT politics, no more anti religious politics, etc. etc.

We need politics for the good of ALL AMERICANS!

I agree Trump speaks like an idiot, but you know what? He might be the greatest leader our naton ever had. One that actually might get things done. It takes a leader to get things done. Not an ideolog, not an eloquent speaker, and definitely not a proven corrupt liar and criminal to make this nation whole once more.

Please vote for Trump and if you can not do so, DON'T VOTE! Please don't be an accomplice to corruption in our Government.
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2 points

This debate perfectly illustrates that even FromWithin recognizes that Trump is not a good candidate. Before the election process started every time FromWithin would attack Obama the responses he would get would be that Republicans were worse. FromWithin would point out that those responses were proof that the Democrats had no answer. Now in his debate someone posted several videos directly contradicting his main claim. What was his response? Hillary is worse. According to your logic before you got stuck with a terrible candidate you have no answer.

1 point

FromWithin is the very definition of low information voter. Holy crap. He literally knows nothing. It is amazing. I don't think there has ever been someone so ill informed about the election who also tells people they need to be informed. Is there anything FromWithin says on here that doesn't go against what he says he believes?

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

He seems to be a sort of cognitive dissonance quantum singularity. He has managed to hold so many contradictory views and double standards that he has become the physical manifestation of hypocrisy itself.

I have to hand it to him, it is kinda impressive.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

He seems to be a sort of cognitive dissonance quantum singularity. He has managed to hold so many contradictory views and double standards that he has become the physical manifestation of hypocrisy itself.

I have to hand it to him, it is kinda impressive.

Is that you think of Barack Insane Obama

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

You want to see a liar Democrat. Well look here.

On health care: “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health-care plan, you can keep your health-care plan.”

Your Obama has managed to lie to all you ill informed Democrat voters.

1 point

Obama is trained in lying he learned it for the radicals he hung out with. Rats that are Democrats love the lying.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

The election is not between Trump and Obama. Pointing out shortcomings with Obama won't help you.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
2 points

Obama is trained in lying you Democrat. Obama is a habitual lair you just can't get around that.

1 point

Of course Trump knows how to lie to your face. He lies about his taxes, his worth, his business successes and failures, his fake university, his hair, his motivations, and his positions on the issues.

What Trump is NOT trained to do is lead the free world, understand or have compassion for the middle class or the poor, or how to be anything other than a spoiled rich brat.