
Debate Info

Shut her down Trump Gonna have to play ball libs
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:26
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 Shut her down Trump (10)
 Gonna have to play ball libs (10)

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JennaGirl(69) pic

Trump says if Dems make no deal in 3 weeks, he'll shutdown again

Shut her down Trump

Side Score: 13

Gonna have to play ball libs

Side Score: 11
2 points

Nobody cares what he says because he's a child. He can't get his own way so he thinks it is acceptable to make the entire country suffer as a result. You don't hold America to ransom son. Who do you think you are?

Side: Shut her down Trump
2 points

Force them to do their jobs

Hello bront:

Force them to do their jobs?? FORCE them to do their jobs?? FORCE THEM???? FORCE THEM?????

Voting their conscience IS their job.. DUDE!


Side: Shut her down Trump
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

Force them to do their jobs?? FORCE them to do their jobs?? FORCE THEM???? FORCE THEM?????

Voting their conscience IS their job.. DUDE!


Their conscience voted for a wall in 2013.


So, let's go over some of the facts. In the senator from Colorado's angry speech, he did not dispute, number one, that he and every other Senate Democrat in 2013 voted for 350 miles of border wall. That's a fact. He has voted for 350 miles of border wall, as did every other Democrat in this chamber at that time. Number two, he did not dispute that in December of last year, the then-Republican House of Representatives voted to fund the government, to fund the entirety of the government, and to secure the border, and the senator from Colorado and, I believe, every other Democrat, filibustered that bill and caused the shutdown. ...Had we taken up the bill, had we simply passed the bill the House of Representatives had passed funding the government and securing the border, the government would never have shut down. And so it takes some degree of chutzpah to stand up after filibustering funding for the government, as the Democrats did, and to blame the shutdown on the opposing party. The senator from Colorado did not dispute [that] the Republican House voted to fund the government, and he and his Democratic colleagues filibustered that, which caused the shutdown.

...the senator from Colorado did not dispute that the stated reason the Democrats filibustered that bill is because it authorized the funding of 234 miles of wall. Now, I have to say, Madam President, I find it amusing [that] a new adjective has creeped in. It's now not 234 miles of wall, it's "medieval" wall. I don't know if there's something in there that has a moat and has catapults and they're throwing burning tar — medieval wall now. It's kind of an odd thing. It does raise the question: Well, if walls are medieval, why did the senator from Colorado and every other Democrat in 2013 vote for 350 miles of medieval wall? To the extent walls are medieval, they presumably were medieval in 2013 just as much as they are now.

...Walls are effective, and I'll tell you every single border patrol agent I've asked that, and I have asked dozens, probably hundreds of border patrol agents, "Are walls effective?" Unquestionably, they say, "Yes." Now, let's not construct a straw man. Walls aren't the only thing. You need technology, you need boots on the ground, you need all sorts of other tools, but ... the critical point in intercepting someone crossing over illegally is the time between detection and interception, and what a wall does is [it] slows down the traffickers to give the border patrol time to intercept them. And by the way, we've seen it over and over again. In San Diego, when they built the wall, the illegal traffic plummeted. In El Paso, when they built the wall, the illegal traffic plummeted.

But now, the Democrats, their position — it's not substantive. They voted for 350 miles of wall, so why are they shutting the government down over 234 miles of wall? It's not substantive, it's political. Okay, we get they hate Donald Trump. If anyone in America had missed that point, that they really really really don't like this man, their yelling and screaming and bellowing has made that abundantly clear. But just because you hate somebody doesn't mean you should shut the government down.

One more thing Con. Voting isn't their only job. Presenting solutions is their job. Haven't seen one yet.

Side: Gonna have to play ball libs
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Their conscience voted for a wall in 2013.

Hello bront:

So, no matter WHAT happened over the last 9 years, they absolutely MUST vote the same way again... Dude!!

I don't think that's a law, or even a rule, or even an expectation by any sane person..


Side: Shut her down Trump
1 point

Trump says if Dems make no deal in 3 weeks, he'll shutdown again

Hello J:

He IS that stupid, isn't he?? What? He wants to get his ass handed to him by Nancy AGAIN????



Side: Shut her down Trump
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

He'll get a national emergency wall AND be able to say he ended the shutdown and got the federal workers their paychecks that Pelosi blocked. Twins, he wins twice.

The libs haven't figured it out yet. They may be used to winning at checkers, but this guy isn't playing checkers.

Side: Gonna have to play ball libs
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

He'll get a national emergency wall

Hello bront:

Uhhh, no he won't.. Oh, he'll make the proclamation, and the Democrats will SUE him.. The issue will be tied up in the courts..

Can you imagine the hearing?? Trump will show up with concrete or slats or whatever, and Nancy will show up ladders and digging equipment..



Side: Shut her down Trump
1 point

Nothing Trump does would surprise me, like cutting off his middle finger … to shove up our ass … before he bleeds to death. He IS that dumb! :-)

In three weeks he WILL likely, bleed to death.

Side: Shut her down Trump
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

He IS that dumb! :-)

Right. Dumb enough to win the Presidency, set economic records, accumulate billions of dollars, and expose the Democrats and media as complete frauds.

Side: Gonna have to play ball libs
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Problem is, he DID NOT WIN the Presidency, he was the recipient of the result of conservative political gerrymandering and he LOST by 3,000,000 VOTES! If he won by that many he would have called it a "landslide"! If you give Wall Street billions to work with they WILL create economic records … for themselves! Hell, I could do THAT!

It took Obama 8 years to bring the conservatives disaster to "economic records", which is the more "stable" way to do it. This "stable genius" just shoveled a bunch of horse shit into a pile where it generated HEAT! That heat is showing signs of spontaneous combustion, and, hopefully, another Democrat will come along that can put THIS fire out … again … hopefully …. before the country burns down!

Side: Shut her down Trump
1 point

I'd just keep shutting down and demanding a plan from them to compromise with. Force them to do their job.

Side: Gonna have to play ball libs
jamesbody(80) Disputed
1 point

I'd just keep shutting down

That's why nobody wants you in government.

and demanding a plan from them to compromise with

Anybody interested in "compromise" would never shut down the government because he can't have his own way. That literally contradicts itself. Your shill propaganda is stupid mate.

Force them to do their job.

Then by your very own definition of "doing their job" they should immediately shut down and hold their participation up for ransom. They should then demand Trump gives them a plan for compromise and force Trump to do his job.

Your neo-Nazi propaganda is slimy, stupid and irritating. Shut the fuck up and crawl back into the same hole in the third reich's arse you crawled out of. Nobody is interested in your opinion because you have already admitted that you have gotten it directly from Hitler.

Side: Shut her down Trump
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

That's why nobody wants you in government

I love how when libs say "we", "us" and "nobody" they just mean libs. Screw the 270,000,000 Americans that didn't vote Democrat in the American Presidential election.

Anybody interested in "compromise" would never shut down the government because he can't have his own way.

Oh cool. That counts out all Democrat Presidents in modern history.

Then by your very own definition of "doing their job" they should immediately shut down and hold their participation up for ransom. They should then demand Trump gives them a plan for compromise and force Trump to do his job.

Trump has offered a solution. Libs have offered no solutions. They also in mass defended his exact position before he became President.

Your neo-Nazi propaganda is slimy, stupid and irritating

BRONTO: Give us your list of things you disagree with Hitler on.

NOM: That the government should own the means of production.

Side: Gonna have to play ball libs