
Debate Info

Yes tis Nah uh
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yes tis (2)
 Nah uh (4)

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lpiva(8) pic

Tuesday is the best day of the week


Yes tis

Side Score: 3

Nah uh

Side Score: 4
1 point

It can only be the best day - it's not Sunday where we worry about Monday, It's not Monday, nor Wednesday where we are halfway through the week and worry about getting it all achieved by Friday, Thursday is that panic before it's Friday and that day becomes a right-off! So that leaves the the best day duel between Saturday and Tuesday. Quite frankly Saturday is everyone's favorite day, except for those who work in many countries and industries. Therefore, Tuesday quite simply is the best day.

Side: Yes tis
1 point

There is literally no way that I can drink with gay abandon or watch sufficient Netflix on a Tuesday

Side: Nah uh
lpiva(8) Disputed
1 point

I don't think you are trying hard enough! you need to put more effort into Tuesday nights ;)

Side: Yes tis
1 point

The only reason people like Tuesday is because it isn't Monday. Tuesday is Hillary, Monday is the Don.

Now the big question is why aren't Friday, Saturday, and Sunday even in the picture? Or heck, even Wednesday would be an improvement, if it could just keep its mouth shut about hump day.

Side: Nah uh
1 point

No way, you still aren't to the middle of the week, it's impossible to have heavy drinks, stay up late, and NOT regret it for the rest of your work week and it's not near as amazing as Friday or Saturday!

Side: Nah uh
1 point

Simply no,because tuesday is a day which is 5 days earlier than sunday and almost everybody want to take a day which is before sunday(like friday or saturday) tuesday is not good in this case

It is the smaller version of monday

Side: Nah uh