
Debate Info

But it was Trump before Biden did it so move on
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 But it was Trump before (1)
 Biden did it so move on (1)

Debate Creator

LizardKahn(192) pic

Waiting for Excon to start a debate about Biden's home having classified shit

But it was Trump before

Side Score: 1

Biden did it so move on

Side Score: 1
1 point

Waiting for Excon to start a debate about Biden's home having classified shit

Hello L:

Stupid AND blind, huh?? hadsecretdocstooHowwillthateffectTrump


Side: But it was Trump before
Another-Alt(237) Disputed
1 point

Stupid AND blind, huh??

How you can accuse anybody else of being stupid is truly beyond my ability to fathom. You're an absolute imbecile.

Side: Biden did it so move on
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