
Debate Info

It's a new feature man.... Dunno?
Debate Score:44
Total Votes:55
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 It's a new feature man.... (15)
 Dunno? (13)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17753) pic

Wassup Up With This Double Down-vote, No Up-vote Stuff?

It's a new feature man....

Side Score: 25


Side Score: 19
3 points

Cool! Now we can down-vote people twice! Up-voting is sooooo overrated anyway!

Side: It's a new feature man....
2 points

So you can make debates about it and get Points on CD


Side: It's a new feature man....
2 points

Actually, I'm glad this has happened because I can make a debate about it and you guys can post an argument and get Points! I'm really only in this for my fellow CD users. ;)

Side: It's a new feature man....
2 points

This is no double down-vote thing if you click the right down-vote thing it upvotes the person thats what I just did with theses two above me.

Side: It's a new feature man....
2 points

Whoa!!! That's trippy! I just up-voted you twice and down-voted you twice!

Side: It's a new feature man....
1 point

Also their is a downvote thing by the support button look at that and I never realized it until now.

Side: It's a new feature man....

Buwahahaha ;)

Side: It's a new feature man....
3 points

I changed my mind... the double-down-vote buttons look like saggy boobies... Double-up-vote would be much perkier! ;)

Side: It's a new feature man....

Cool, I'm all famous'n'shit.

Side: It's a new feature man....
1 point

But you were already famous.......

Side: It's a new feature man....

Yea, but my status is solidified now that I've featured in a Hellno debate graphic.

Side: It's a new feature man....
1 point

Maybe a problem with the HTML? Maybe Andy was working on the site and forgot to restore it?

Here is where the problem could be located?

Side: It's a new feature man....
2 points

Something is going on. My points just jumped up and down twice, with me doing nothing or getting any votes O_o

Side: Dunno?

I entered an argument on a debate and lost six points automatically.


Side: Dunno?
1 point

Hey! Someone double-down-vote me.... I wanna see if it feels any worse than getting a single DV?

Side: Dunno?
1 point

There's a third down-vote button next to the support button...


Side: Dunno?
2 points

I know... I saw that... Don't get me started on all that! Where's Andy? All Hell is breaking loose on CD!!!

Side: Dunno?
1 point

Nice image manipulation.

Side: Dunno?
2 points

Uhhhh.... That's a screen shot... nothing was manipulated.

Side: Dunno?
2 points

My screen is normal...

Side: Dunno?
1 point

Yeah, where's Andy? He's going to be in for a surprise when he wakes up in the morning.

Side: Dunno?

Is this only in America? My screen is and was fine .

Side: Dunno?

There are some changes to CD, and it is freaking me out.----------------------------------

Side: Dunno?
addltd(5144) Clarified
1 point

we had to update amazed your portion of the site backbone . we did do a bunch of testing and thought we had everything worked out . please let me know what your seeing so we can fix any remaining bugs .

Side: It's a new feature man....