
Debate Info

I'll buy that I'm not conservative at all
Debate Score:49
Total Votes:52
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 I'll buy that (15)
 I'm not conservative at all (14)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

We are all conservatives, we just want to conserve different things.

Traditional conservatives want to protect their jobs, toys and money.  Traditional liberals want to protect the planet, the animals, the children, and the entitlement coulture that empowers them to take away from the traditional conservatives in order to save all those things ;)

I'll buy that

Side Score: 27

I'm not conservative at all

Side Score: 22
3 points

Sounds about right to me. Except for the part about a liberal "entitlement coulture", that's just stupid. It doesn't make sense to associate living life morally with entitlement. You admit that conservatives hoard everything they can, regardless of the consequences. Tell me again which side feels entitled?

Side: I'll buy that
1 point

You rock .

Side: I'll buy that

I just want to protect my right to get people fired up ;)

Side: I'll buy that
2 points

I wish to Conserve the Constitution and American Individual Rights. That's about it.

I don't believe in Family Values or Tradition. And I certainly don't give two shits about the environment or animal rights. The only reason why I'm green is to CONSERVE my money and resources.

Don't want to Conserve life. I believe in all positions that are Pro-Death (Euthanasia, death penalty, abortion).

Although, i do believe that there are some people out there who are not conservative at all.

Side: I'll buy that
2 points

Could someone please explain why this was down voted? if it was because you disagree with my positions, that's not good enough.

Side: I'll buy that
1 point

wasn't me )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Side: I'll buy that
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

I donvoted it because it is simply a summary of your positions. There is no evidence, or argument in that post.

But no, I don't agree with your positions. You are a disgustingly selfish human being. If you believe in assisted suicicde, too, I suggest you partake.

Side: I'm not conservative at all
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
2 points

I don't believe in Family Values or Tradition.

Why not?

Side: I'll buy that
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
3 points

why should I? They're just restrictions on my fun.

Conservative Political Correctness.

Side: I'll buy that
1 point

I want to conserve the environment and progressive liberal ideals :-) heh heh

Side: I'll buy that
3 points

nah - Im a futurist - very few thing I want to conserve. I am actually hoping that nano-tech can turn me into a cyborg in my lifetime - so that I can be a solid-state being and consume less energy, live longer and be easily repairable

Side: I'm not conservative at all
2 points

Damn, I wish there was a way to downvote debate descriptions...

Anyway, there is a difference between conservative, and to conserve. One can want to conserve and not be conservative at all, another can wish not to conserve at all, and be very conservative, obviously.

Side: I'm not conservative at all
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

actually, this is dealing with ideological Conservative as opposed to passive Conservatism.

In this debate, the description sort of described ideological Conservatism.

Side: I'll buy that

Wouldn't that make us all conservationists trying to conserve different things?

Although I hope I'm not not conservative at all. The far left is just as bad as the far right.

Side: I'm not conservative at all
1 point

I know, right ?

Side: I'm not conservative at all

I'm not a conservative. I'm a realist. I do conserve, but only select things. There are very few things in my life that need conserving.

Side: I'm not conservative at all

I am for darn sure not a conservative but I am a conservationist, which has nothing to do with being or not being a conservative!

Side: I'm not conservative at all
1 point

Bull. I am not a conservative and I never will be. I am still traumatized by what some conservatives did to me.

Side: I'm not conservative at all

Do tell ;)

Side: I'm not conservative at all