
Debate Info

Thanks uncle joe. No, thanx you creepy nut clown
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:21
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 Thanks uncle joe. (10)
 No, thanx you creepy nut clown (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

We are running out of fresh insults on CD - please use the following insult creator

Thanks uncle joe.

Side Score: 12

No, thanx you creepy nut clown

Side Score: 8

I've already used it. Not bad. Could add some pizzazz to this site ;)

Side: Thanks uncle joe.
1 point

Lazy sphincter socket sounds like a disease.

Side: Thanks uncle joe.

Damn you Joe you butterface cock balloon .

Side: Thanks uncle joe.

OK, don't shout that out loud. I wouldn't want everyone to find out ;)

Side: Thanks uncle joe.
1 point

Pompous Butt Biscuit... sounds like a winner to me.

Side: Thanks uncle joe.
1 point

Slutty-cock-jocky sounds kind of interesting...

Side: Thanks uncle joe.

They use "turd" twice in the middle column.

Side: Thanks uncle joe.

That's because it's such a cool insult ;)

Side: Thanks uncle joe.
1 point

Creepy slut balloon. This is the best insult ever! You're such a creepy slut balloon.

Side: Thanks uncle joe.
3 points

It's too American.

Side: No, thanx you creepy nut clown
1 point

Keep your opinions to yourself, you slutty rectum captain! Stop being such a white trash bitch nazi!

Side: Thanks uncle joe.
Elvira(3441) Disputed
1 point

Right back art you, you half baked neon tetra with grapefruit.

Side: No, thanx you creepy nut clown
1 point

What's your problem? You're nothing but an idiotic rectum hammer.

Side: No, thanx you creepy nut clown

Joe, please insult me with your insult creator.-----------------

Side: No, thanx you creepy nut clown

You pompous cock jockey ;)

Side: No, thanx you creepy nut clown