
Debate Info

Colonize it and plant trees Wait for heat death
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:22
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 Colonize it and plant trees (5)
 Wait for heat death (4)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

We should colonize Mars, yes or no?

Colonize it and plant trees

Side Score: 12

Wait for heat death

Side Score: 4
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-1 points

Hello bront:

Nahhh... There are planets out there ready made for us.. They're just a tad too far away.. But, by the time we bioform Mars, we'll have learned how to get to those planets.


Side: Wait for heat death
xljackson(260) Disputed
4 points

Excon Wow bro you should work for Nasa coz the bullshit you peddle is lite years, pun, ahead of them!

Wtf are you talking about planets you know of that can hold human life, for a fact!?!?

Keep daydreaming!

Side: Colonize it and plant trees
Antrim(1287) Disputed
4 points

We should deport convicted criminals such as ''excon the racist'' to Mars in the same way the British used to send their convicted criminal filth to Botany Bay in Australia.

Give ''excon the racist'' a pornographic book and a blow up doll and he'll be as happy as a pig in shit.

Side: Colonize it and plant trees
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
3 points

Okay SUPER STUPID name the planets you claim are ready made for human life ! You got any facts to backup your INSANE nonsense ?

Side: Colonize it and plant trees