
Debate Info

People Who Think Its Wrong People Who Think Its Right
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 People Who Think Its Wrong (4)
 People Who Think Its Right (2)

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Elysia_Craw(8) pic

West Boro Baptist: Right or Wrong?


People Who Think Its Wrong

Side Score: 6

People Who Think Its Right

Side Score: 2
3 points

1) Even if you were to agree with their premise that God hates the behaviors they are protesting against they go about it by disrupting many people who are not personally committing those behaviors. That is profoundly unjust.

2) I have family in Topeka and the way I heard it what originally drove the church leader to start their outrageous behaviors was one of his own sons was gay and he just couldn't take it. More of this was a personal family dispute than the public realizes. And how terrible is that - hurting people all over the world because you're mad at a son who went a different direction than yourself?

Side: People Who Think Its Wrong
1 point

I agree ..... attack the sin / not the sinner (and his or her family) ... God's judgment is reserved for the sinner ... military funerals ?? .. I mean really come-on !! ..... Satanic forces know how to play theses games inorder to generate the desired outcome .... total distain toward God / his word and his people .... these tactics will continue until God decides to remove his (actual) Children from the Earth ... and then it REALLY gets bad .... please keep in mind .. Satan's children also claim to be Christian / Baptist / evangelical / whatever ..... indeed the wheat and tares look the same (on the outside) and will grow together until Jesus sends his Angels to sort out the righteous (for glory) and the unrighteous (for destruction)

Side: People Who Think Its Wrong
dadman(1703) Clarified
1 point

MATTHEW 13:47 .. again . . . the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea .. and gathering fish of every kind

13:48 .. and when it was filled .. they drew it up on the beach .. and they sat down and gathered the good fish into containers .. but the bad they threw away

13:49 .. so it will be at the end of the age .. the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous

13:50 .. and will throw them into the furnace of fire .. in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth

13:51 .. have you understood all these things . . . they said to him .. yes

13:52 .. and Jesus said to them . . . therefore .. every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household .. who brings out of his treasure things new and old


Side: People Who Think Its Wrong
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

It would be nice if women who NEED an abortion would be allowed the "Judgement of God", and not of Christians. They should have the RIGHT to be judged by "God", and not a group ACTING in HIS behalf. Elections would be SO much less messy.

Side: People Who Think Its Wrong
1 point

ANY radicalization is wrong. It make no difference whether it is a religion, a club, a political party, etc.. The problem is, radicals think everyone else is crazy and they are the only sane ones!

YOU ARE ALL CRAZY! Heh,heh,heh. :<)

Side: People Who Think Its Wrong

Westboro Baptist Church has no point in existence, as it doesn't really raise money for any valuable cause.

I think it's shite.

Side: People Who Think Its Wrong

They have a right to speak their mind, but they are dead wrong in targeting the bereaved.

Side: People Who Think Its Right
1 point

It is wrong for them not to do what they think is right.

Were they to ignore their consciences, then they would be doing something wrong.

St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that the Romans who persecuted the early Christian "Fathers" incurred no sin for their actions; indeed, it would have been sinful, he argued, for the Romans not to have persecuted the Christians, whom they saw as a destructive force which could destabilize and ruin their empire.

Side: People Who Think Its Right