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 What I don't like about liberals and conservatives. (3)

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Sitar(3680) pic

What I don't like about liberals and conservatives.

They call everyone a rapist without proof. They oppose gun rights. They hack babies to death in the name of choice. They think one can switch genders. They think there is more than two genders, and more than one human race. They hate Israel. They defend communists. They want me dead because I was a disabled fetus conceived by an abusive marriage. They feel sorry for pedophiles who RAPE OR WANT TO RAPE CHILDREN. They think only black women matter, but everyone else can go to Hell. Conservatives support torture, homophobia, biphobia, oppose marriage equality, healthcare rights, oppose anti bullying laws, support the death penalty, oppose the compassionate care for rape victims act, are hyperpartisan JUST LIKE LIBERALS, and so on.
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1 point

Hello S:

From what I read, looks like you just dislike libs.. I didn't read ANYTHING about disliking conservatives..

Ain't nothing I could say that would change your mind.. You don't wanna DEBATE.. You wanna make PROCLAMATIONS. You wanna air your GRIEVANCES. I ain't interested in that.


FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

As always, you miss the point of priorities!

Sitar dislikes Liberals much more so than Conservatives, because they supported her death in the womb merely for being different.

There are priorities in life you know? No one or no group is perfect, but we as human beings have a brain to logically think with. We are suppose to possess the simple intellect to prioritize the most important issues in life.

You as a Liberal lack the humanity it takes to prioritize the most important issues in life. You gleefully elect politicians who support No Restriction abortions for even viable Special Need's children.

This lack of wisdom and humanity stems from your disdain for God and the values he speaks to.

1 point

What I don't like about incoherence: They paint others with a broad brush that doesn't make much sense at all.