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 What colours do you relate to letters/numbers? (8)

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Dremorius(847) pic

What colours do you relate to letters/numbers?

I think the letter "A" seems green, and "B" is sort of maroon. "C" looks like a light blue/yellow (not green), "D" just looks orange, "E" seems yellow, "F" is a powerful red, "G" a green, "H" a dark-redish, "I" a light blue, "J" a brown and "K" a dark blue.  

For numbers, I often relate the number "1" with blue or red, number "2" with green, "3" with a bright yellow, "4" as a very dark green, "5" as brown, "6" as a bright pink "7" as a deep blue "8" as purple, and "9" as a very dark bluish-purplish colour. 

What do you think they go with? 

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I think you people have been eating too many shrooms ;)

1 point

A is red

B is blue

C is ----meh. Can't describe it. Blue-ish grey?

D I can't describe with colors found in nature

E is green

F is purplish red

Can't visualize any other letters as colors that exist in reality.

1 point









ummm... that's about it I think except

X-black and

Z- is like purple or something all flashy and gay like that.

1 point

I don't know.

I do know that me and my friends as children used to knock one another out by either chocking or squeezing the chest whilst holding our breaths,

I heard blue on one such occasion. Ignoring it was a delusion born likely of dying brain cells, random synapses, maybe some damage to wiring in some area or another,

it sounds like crushing a dry orange exactly.

1 point

I do know that me and my friends as children used to knock one another out by either chocking or squeezing the chest whilst holding our breaths

Oh cool, I did that with my friends once, but we got more of a seizure from doing it. It felt weird like I was being pushed down, losing all control of my limbs. It was fun though. ^_^

But... how can you be sure it was the sound of blue? What made you know?

1 point

Oh, the seizures were the coolest part as long as you weren't the one doing it. We did that for like two months every chance we got until we were caught and scared into stopping... in retrospect probably a good thing. We'd make 2 at once pass out sometimes, set each down next to the other, and enjoy the seizure/fight that went down until everyone woke up. It was awesome. Plus it made your tongue all tingly, which was weird.

Lol, no idea why blue or that sound. Random stuff in the brain while I was half passed out :p

1 point

1- black

2- pink

3- red

4- purple

5- brown

6- yellow

7- blue

8- orange

9- green

10- white

A- light green

B- red

C- orange

D- blue

E- dark green... :)

A - red

B - blue

C - Yellow

D - red

E - black

F - green

G - ??????????



Y - yellow

Z - black