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 What do you think about insects with similar behaviour to humans? (6)

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william88(14) pic

What do you think about insects with similar behaviour to humans?

So, Havent you guys ever wondered how cool it is that ants, bees and other insects have ways of living much like a human's in maybe the 1700's? They have queens and they have goverments and they all have jobs and some ants even enslave other ants and ants build little roads (tunnels) and they create wars and everybody works together. It feels like somehow, humans and other species in the world have similar ideas on how to take control dont you think?

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3 points

first time smoking weed?

Yeaaah, dominance and making things easier to live with is instinct.

2 points

It's quite funny how an agnostic will say in the same sentence:

"Insects are not animals, they're not human like, they are more "instinct-like", for certain."

then they'll say.

"but no one knows for certain. i'm not an ant, or a bee so i cannot know what it thinks and feels."

So, agnostics, WHAT THE FUCK IS IT!? Do you know some things for certain, or go you not know anything at all to be truth?

Funny how some question about insects and humans can bring up such a touchy subject. CRAZY MAN

Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point


Man, you are making a LOT of assumptions if you can claim to know anything for SURE.

At least ONE big assumption, you are making. ;D

Lynaldea(1231) Disputed
1 point

lol I used your response to make a shout out to other agnostics. I personally am not an agnostic.

To me agnosticism is ridiculous.

It's saying "No one knows anything for certainty, so therefore nothing must be truth."

And quite frankly that's fucking absurd.

If nothing is to be known to be truth, then whats the point in anything? If this air I breathe isn't giving my lungs oxygen to breathe, then what I am doing alive? It's obviously obvious, yes i said it, obviously obvious that there are particular truths out there in the universe.

So to all agnostics, what the fuck mate?

These are my assumptions in general to agnostics. Your response just made me think of something else, you know, plasticity and bridging gaps? I could care less what you are.

1 point

I'm as communist as the next ant or bee...

This is a brilliant analogy. Yes,humans do incorporate the same control freak powers.