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 What does God mean to you? (7)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

What does God mean to you?

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This is a really good question. I'll have to think about it for a while. Let me get back to you.

1 point

the missing piece to the Universal puzzle.

When you find God, you answer why (if that question even exists).

Side: Missing Piece
1 point

As far as I'm concerned, the force called 'god' is simply a convenient substitute for everything we don't know yet or just can't explain. Rainbows for instance, or rain in general. Earthquakes. All of that jazz. They used to be mysteries we had crackpot fantasy theories for, but now they're at least backed by some evidence.

I'm not saying there isn't a powerful force behind everything, but I absolutely loathe people who blame the unexplainable on a deity.

Side: The Unexplainable
1 point

God to me means the universe, I ont believe that some being created the universe, and I dont believe that some being created Humans in the form of himself. Unless you tell me aliens did it then i might say it could happen, but to me GOD is something everyone made up to make themselves feel safe.

Side: Missing Piece
1 point

He is what you make of Him. I'm an atheist. God means a conscience and/or creator to me. Humans may soon have the ability to seed artificially engineered life among our own planet or elsewhere. So humankind could become godlike!? I don't think any life here was designed by a God or ET either, but just maybe.

Side: A conscience

For me, God is my light and savior. He walks with me daily and I try to keep step. God wants me to do the very best I can in the world and so do I. He forgives me and my frailties and allows me to begin anew. My belief in Him and Jesus Christ has made me a better and more whole person. I now have compassion and empathy where there was a bit of a void before. I love God because He teaches me that His son Jesus, came to us to make us better than we are. No, I cannot explain Him but I have faith that He is...just as have faith in the betterment of mankind.

Side: The Unexplainable
1 point

"Entity" or "object" that gets worshiped or focused too narrowly on.

Side: The Unexplainable