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 What is "Government"? (10)

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Kitk34(185) pic

What is "Government"?

Please give a definition (in your own words).  Can 'government' be legitimate?  Please refer to the video.

Many will argue that we need 'government' or we would have chaos and disorder, but what really keeps this from happening?  Many think that we need some sort of 'ruling class' to tell us what to do or not do with our lives.  There are those who argue that this is a country "ruled by law", but whose laws? 

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1 point

Government is the executive branch of the state. The heads of government are appointed by the prime minister and are responsible for all public services. If you believe public services should exist then there needs to be people to manage them. I can't think of a more fair way of choosing these people than the way they are chosen now.

Kitk34(185) Clarified
1 point

Government is the executive branch of the state. The heads of government are appointed by the prime minister and are responsible for all public services.

But this seems to imply that 'government' is some sort of superhuman entity with a consciousness. Would it be more acurate to say that is is an organization of Individual human beings?

If you believe public services should exist then there needs to be people to manage them. I can't think of a more fair way of choosing these people than the way they are chosen now.

This is the definition I found for "public services": 1: the business of supplying a commodity (as electricity or gas) or service (as transportation) to any or all members of a community

There are two more, but the first one seems most concise. Now, I am not going to say these sorts of things should not be available. I ask why they cannot be provided through the private sector without coercion, or the use of violence if a person does not wish to pay nor use such services?(I know many in the U.S. are, but much has been placed under the 'government' as public services, now.)

Supporting Evidence: Public Services definition (
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

But this seems to imply that 'government' is some sort of superhuman entity with a consciousness. Would it be more accurate to say that is is an organization of Individual human beings?

No. It is a structured organisation with powers and responsibilities beyond that of any individual.

There are two more, but the first one seems most concise.

I think its important to read both definition together. The second one is crucial: " a service rendered in the public interest "

Now, I am not going to say these sorts of things should not be available. I ask why they cannot be provided through the private sector without coercion, or the use of violence if a person does not wish to pay nor use such services?(I know many in the U.S. are, but much has been placed under the 'government' as public services, now.

Consider child and family social services (I believe you call them child protective services in the USA). One of the powers they need is the power to take children from their parents if they suspect abuse. They usually only have this power through the courts but they can exercise it for 28 hours periods in the case of an emergency. Would you trust a private company to do this? A company that is doing it for profit? (Not exactly sure how profit would work in this situation).

Even if you would trust a private company to fulfil this function then in effect they are a government - they have powers beyond that of an individual. Therefore, a 'criminal' government - as that video calls it - is essential. Whether the government is public or private (the latter being very strange).

1 point

I define "government" as an organization of Individual human beings imagined to have "authority" over other human beings. They write commands on paper, that are backed by coercion, threats of violence, and the use of deadly force to gain obedience or compliance; this is otherwise known as 'laws' or 'legislation'. The belief and blind obedience to the 'imagined authority' of those claiming such, is what has led to much blood shed throughout history. This is of course not well excepted by many who still believe in the State as some all-powerful entity. I hold that neither "government" nor the "State" exists in any legitimate form, whatsoever. Those who call themselves "government" or claim special 'rights' given by the "State" are nothing more than criminals; the only difference is the perception or belief by those they mean to enslave, that legitimizes the criminal acts, that they as private Individuals could not do without serious risk to life and limb.

1 point

What is it that makes these various individuals of government imagine that they have authority to legislate? It isn't divine right of kings that allows them to imagine their authority, what is it?

I hold that neither "government" nor the "State" exists in any legitimate form, whatsoever

What is the legitimate form of government or state? Also, why are you putting those words in parenthesis?

Kitk34(185) Disputed
1 point

What is it that makes these various individuals of government imagine that they have authority to legislate?

I pointed that out in the argument I posted.

It isn't divine right of kings that allows them to imagine their authority, what is it?

Yet, they act as though that is what gives them any sort of special rights above that of the rest of us. So, I guess it is the divine right of the "State" because the perception that many have is that somehow there is a superhuman entity that they refer to as such; or they call it "government".

I assume you watched the video. I also, asked for a definition of what "government" is.

What is the legitimate form of government or state? Also, why are you putting those words in parenthesis?

As I said, in my argument, there is no such thing; that is why I use the parenthesis because those words are nothing more than euphemisms to disguise the truth.

I recognize that the only governing body that exists is that of the Individual human being; I self-govern my own life. That is it. No one has any valid claim to be able to rule over anyone else.

If you say "by my consent I give them that authority" I answer to you, "no, I do not consent to them to do anything." I will not have such people representing me. I know supposedly we had a "Democratic Representative Republic" but, I do not believe that such a form exists, nor ever really did.

I ask you this question, do you decide what to do with your life from day to day? Do you use your best judgment on what you should or should not do pertaining to what you know to be right and wrong?

Every person on this planet uses their own judgment, even if they claim they do not judge. It is impossible not to.

The video asks " would we allow an individual to do that?". That's kind of a funny question since government is the institution through which we decide what is allowed. It is also the institution through which we hire people to halt that which we do not allow.

It is appropriate to say that a police officer is allowed to enforce legislation while I am not. If I want to enforce legislation, I can enter that field of work. Nothing is stopping me. If I want to write legislation I can ask people to put their confidence in me to do so. Nothing is stopping me. If the "individuals that we allow" to write legislation do a bad job, we can vote them out. There is no divine write to rule.

If the government writes bad legislation, that doesn't mean the government is illegitimate. Bad laws can be, and often are, reversed.

Government is the great illusion that everyone can live better by stealing from everyone else.

1 point

government is the nature of policy makers telling us what to do and think