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 What is one thing that you like about your name? (9)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What is one thing that you like about your name?

Most women hate their names and change it at least once in their life time.  But there has to be something you like about your name.  What is it?

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2 points

its seriously tho i have one of those rather common names there is at least seven people i know of with the same full name(first middle last)as mine has caused issues at times and i have thought about changing it but then with so many of us, it could provide a safe hidey-hole from preds.or people who i would rather not find me.

I like it when chicks say:

"Hello, hey Joe, you wanna give it a go?" and I'm like, "Oh! uh huh!"

and they whisper in my ear:

"Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir? Voulez vous coucher avec moi?"

I have no idea what that means but..., again..., I'm like, "Oh! uh huh!"

And so far my response hasn't let me down and I've had a good time every time. I wouldn't trade my name for anything in the world ;)

What I don't like about my last name is that people sometimes confuse it with

Calvary: The English language/Western Christian names given to the site, outside of ancient Jerusalem’s early 1st century walls, ascribed to the crucifixion of Jesus.

Those people tend to be dyslectic and I have to explain that it is Cavalry... as in horse or armoured troops.

But I like it when my conservative friends are surrounded by a bunch of liberals and they see me coming and they're like, "Here comes the cavalry! Yay!" and then I shoo the liberals away. OK, I've never heard anyone say that (and it's really hard to shoo a liberal) but I imagine it. I'm a giant in my own mind ;)

David: slayer of giants, badass wife-stealing, husband-killing king

Immanuel: god is with us

Miller: ...worker in a mill

I am therefore, a badass wife-stealing, husband killing, giant slaying king whom god is with, that works in a mill.

No one can beat that.

Benjamin - Son of the South

Michael - Who resembles God

Coleman - Dove like

Whats not to like :D

Side: names
1 point


Single syllable, easy to spell, and strong.

It was good enough for Marion Micheal Morrison its good enough for me!

Side: names
1 point

name is rather common but i still love it when my friends and bro call my nickname

it makes me feel lightheaded and i like that feeling

it just does, i like good feelings

Side: names

So..., you're name is, "orange." Right? ;)

Shoot, that ain't anywhere near 50 characters ;)

Side: names
1 point

If you understand Babylonian and Mongolian nomenclature, you would find my name means something like... evil god-king.

I thought it ironic. But I'm poor with jokes.

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