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 What is the atheist equivalent of "Thank God?" (2)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

What is the atheist equivalent of "Thank God?"

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Thank god, is an expression, which is equivalent to just thanks, the word god is thrown in their for some exaggeration.

1 point

Thank Goodness / Thank everything that is good.

Thank you.

Thanks to awesomeness.

Thanks to everything / Thank everything.




Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Many atheists still use the "Thank God" phrase just as an expression just like the same type of profanity which includes the use of a deity's/God's name. It doesn't mean anything religious to them, just an expression for which they've been used for quite a while. Though I do admit the meaning of "Thank God" is technically all about thanking God for whatever situation. And I do refrain from that.